Anonymous ID: bae22c Sept. 27, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.3210860   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Take a look at this article written by CBF in Dec 2005 following 9/11 victims and how they managed.


The one thing that stuck out was that over time after a traumatic event was Spiritual Growth.


Compare the 2 and what I find in her testimony is not one mention of Faith.


She studied trauma victims and compares hers and theirs and as she was not raped, the only thing I would understand is fear of being held down and never being with a man alone and more aware of her environment and choices.


She can remember 36 years ago but not the last 8 weeks. HMMMMM


CBF research study sauce to above mentioned 9/11




All papers she co authored:

