Anonymous ID: d382ea Sept. 27, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.3211430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1634 >>1741

Netanyahu Discloses Second Alleged Iranian Atomic Secret Facility in Tehran


Prime Minister Netanyahu made new claims about Iran's alleged nuclear program during his speech to the UN General Assembly on Thursday.


The Israeli prime minister claimed Iran's secret warehouse has materials and equipment related to atomic weapons program.


"Today I am disclosing for the first time that Iran has another secret facility in Tehran, a secret atomic warehouse for storing massive amounts of equipment and material for Iran’s secret nuclear weapons program," Netanyahu said.


"Just last month, they removed 15 kilograms of radioactive materials," Netanyahu added, claiming that this material has been spread around Tehran, endangering the city's residents. "They took this material and spread it around Tehran."


According to the prime minister, this second site could have contained as much as 300 tons of nuclear-related materials.


"Why did Iran keep a secret atomic archive, and a secret atomic warehouse?" Netanyahu asked. According to the Israeli leader, it's because it has not abandoned its nuclear weapons ambitions.


"What Iran hides, Israel will find," Netanyahu boasted, urging the IAEA to inspect this alleged secret warehouse and other facilities uncovered by Israel. "Once and for all, tell the world the truth about Iran," he urged.


"Israel will do whatever it must do to defend against Iran's aggression," Netanyahu said, noting that Israel would act against Iran in Syria, Lebanon and even Iraq, "wherever" is needed "to defend our state and our people."


Netanyahu accused the Iran nuclear deal's supporters of being naive about Iran's intentions and the implications of sanctions relief, suggesting Iran has used its weapons "to fuel its vast war machine" instead of improving the lives of ordinary Iranians.


The Israeli leader claimed that Europe and others were "appeasing Iran" by helping it to bypass sanctions, and accused them of having "learned nothing from history," including 20th century European history.


"This deal did not push war further away. It brought war ever closer to our borders," Netanyahu said, pointing to alleged Iranian attacks against Israel from Syria and the Gaza Strip, and claiming that Iranian actions in Lebanon included the provision of precision missile technology that Hezbollah might use to strike Israel. The prime minister charged Hezbollah of using Beirut's citizens as "human shields."


"I have a message for Hezbollah today. Israel also what you're doing, Israel knows where you're doing it, and Israel will not let you get away with it," Netanyahu said.


Netanyahu claimed that the nuclear deal's supporters were "dead wrong" about the limited economic impact of restored US sanctions against Tehran. "A year ago, Iran's economy was booming. Now it's collapsing," the prime minister boasted, pointing to the fall of Iran's currency, and the withdrawal of Western companies fearing secondary US sanctions.


Netanyahu encouraged Europe's leaders and others to join new US sanctions "instead of coddling Iran's dictators."


The prime minister said the Iran deal did have one positive consequence for Israel, which was the bringing together of Israel and the Arab world against Tehran. This relationship, this "intimacy and friendship," was something Netanyahu said he had "not seen in my lifetime, and would have been unimaginable a few years ago."


Praising US support for Israel at the US, Netanyahu attacked a "morally bankrupt" UNESCO, and an "unreformed UNRWA," which he said has "absurdly accused" Israel of racism. "Here at the UN, Israel is shamefully accused of Apartheid," the prime minister said, pointing to minority rights for Palestinians. "It's the same old anti-semitism with a brand new face," he said of the claims.


"Once it was the Jewish people that were slandered and held to a different standard. Now it is the Jewish state that has been slandered and held to a different standard," Netanyahu claimed.

Anonymous ID: d382ea Sept. 27, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.3211578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1649

Avenatti Says He's Not Obligated To Provide Evidence Of Kavanaugh 'Gang Rape' Claims


Other than a sworn affidavit recounting his clients staggering allegations that SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh participated in high school "gang rape" parties, celebrity attorney Michael Avenatti hasn't proffered any evidence - or indeed any more information - about his client Julie Swetnick's allegations against Kavanaugh.


And unsurprisingly, he said in an interview Thursday that he doesn't intend to, despite serious questions being raised about his client's credibility. Avenatti told CNN on Thursday that it wasn't his "obligation" to lay out "all the facts and all the evidence right now".


The interview was held one day after Avenatti revealed Swetnick's name and called on the Senate to delay a confirmation vote for President Trump's nominee until a full FBI investigation into his client’s claims - and the claims of other women who have come forward - can be completed.


"The claims your client makes are jaw dropping, and they don’t make sense to me so can we go through them and have you explain them to us," Camerota said.


"She attended well over ten house parties where Brett Kavanaugh and his friend, Mark Judge were, and she said there was disturbing conduct," Camerota said. "She saw Kavanaugh pressing his body against women without their consent and grinding his body against girls and attempting to expose body parts of girls and maybe his own and making crude sexual comments and being a mean drunk and spiking the punch at the house parties in order to make people incapacitated."


"And then this, a long line outside of a bedroom where there was a young woman inside in preparation for some sort of gang rape, as she says," Camerota said. "How is any of this possible? How is it possible that if she saw any of these things she would continue to go to house parties like this?"


Avenatti assured her that Swetnick's claims would be corroborated if only the FBI would investigate.


"She witnessed a lot of the conduct as it relates to what was going on in the back bedrooms and did not understand at the time the magnitude of what was transpiring in the back bedrooms until she was ultimately gang raped and drugged as she details in the declaration," he said. "A lot of this would be substantiated if there was an investigation, which is what we want. We are not laying out all of the facts and all the evidence right now. That’s not our obligation."


Camerota was, unsurprisingly, dumbfounded by Avenatti's claims.

Anonymous ID: d382ea Sept. 27, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.3211647   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So if she had the polygraph a few weeks ago and only appointed these lawyers in the last week or so how the fuck did they pay for it??? Time machine?

Anonymous ID: d382ea Sept. 27, 2018, 11:23 a.m. No.3212114   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Vaccines can kill' billboard featuring the son of a former MMA fighter, who claims the toddler died from a vaccination, goes up in Kansas City