Anonymous ID: 0b742a Sept. 27, 2018, 11:32 a.m. No.3212271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2286 >>2788

EU Chief Backs Proposed U.N. Compact, Will ‘Enhance Legal Pathways’ for Mass Migration to Europe


European Commissioner for migration Dimitris Avramopoulos has pledged to the United Nations that the European Union is working to “enhance legal pathways” to mass migration, with the Hungarian government condemning the commissioner for calling on member states to accept resettled migrants.


Commissioner Avramopoulos told the United Nations General Assembly on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration Wednesday that the European Union (EU) is developing immigration systems to comply with UN’s proposed controversial Global Compact for Migration which aims to institutionalise mass migration at an international level.


“The European Union has made significant progress in developing all the building blocks of a comprehensive migration policy that are contributing to achieve many of the objectives for safe, orderly and regular migration,” he confirmed.


Acknowledging that illegal mass migration “remains a divisive topic across the globe”, Mr Avramopoulos denied that it could be stopped, telling delegates: “The reality, however, is that migration and human mobility are part of our history and are here to stay.”


“We have made a clear call to our Member States to enhance legal pathways to Europe,” he added, saying that it was “essential” to create “a better management of labour migration” in addition to reducing “irregular”, otherwise known as illegal, immigration.


The Brussels commissioner is also said to have urged EU members to honour their pledges to accept resettled migrants, with Hungarian foreign minister Péter Szijjártó later telling press: “Neither Hungary, nor the other countries of the Visegrád Group, nor any other European country wants to legalise illegal immigration.”


Calling it “unacceptable and outrageous” that Mr Avramopoulos spoke on behalf of the whole EU, despite “many countries” not wanting “resettlement programmes”, Mr. Szijjártó emphasised: “This is why we did not and accept and will not be accepting the UN Global Compact for Migration.”


In June, Mr Szijjártó condemned the proposed global compact, calling it the “African migration package” which benefits only Africa to the detriment of Europe, and in May he also rejected a joint European Union-African migration accord which he said was an “extremely pro-migration declaration” that “further inspires migration”.


Hungary, which contrary to the migration commissioner’s assertion that mass migration cannot be stopped had, in fact, cut illegal immigration through its borders by more than 99 percent, has been a vocal critic of supranational bodies’ and civil society groups’ attempts to enforce open borders and global free movement.


Earlier this month, the country’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán warned that plans by the EU to put Brussels in charge of national border protection and asylum policy would mean handing the “keys to the gate” of Europe to open borders eurocrats.


Morocco’s capital Marrakesh is set to host a conference on the 10th and 11th of December where the UN believes its members will accept the Global Compact for Migration.


The first attempt at an intergovernmentally negotiated agreement on immigration, the compact aims to protect the “human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants”, combat “xenophobia, racism and discrimination” towards migrants, and strengthen the “global governance” of migration through the UN and its bodies

Anonymous ID: 0b742a Sept. 27, 2018, 11:34 a.m. No.3212302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US fines Brazil’s oil giant Petrobras $853mn for bribery


The US Justice Department said on Thursday that Brazilian oil company Petrobras has been fined millions of dollars for paying bribes to Brazilian politicians and political parties.


Assistant Attorney General Brian Benczkowski said in a statement that Petrobras executives at “the highest levels,”including board members, orchestrated hundreds of millions in bribes “and then cooked the books to conceal the bribe payments from investors and regulators.”


The payment includes a tentative deal to pay $682.6 million to a Brazil fund, and an additional $170.6 million equally split between the US Justice Department and the US Securities and Exchange Commission.


Petrobras said the Justice Department agreed not to prosecute the company in exchange for the payment, three years of compliance reports, and an admission that the scheme amounted to criminal violations of laws that require public companies to maintain accurate books and records.


The deal will mark an end to years of investigations into one of the biggest corruption scandals. It follows the 2016 accord in which Brazilian conglomerate Odebrecht agreed to pay billions of dollars to resolve charges in the US, Brazil, and Switzerland for leading a cartel of construction companies that conspired to overcharge Petrobras for construction and service work, receiving bribes in return.


US prosecutors said they have partly viewed Petrobras as a victim of the conduct of its executives and managers who were embezzling the company.


Petrobras has also reached a related $930 million deal with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for misleading investors.


“Petrobras fraudulently raised billions of dollars from US investors while its senior executives operated a massive, undisclosed bribery and corruption scheme,” said Steven Peikin, Co-Director of the SEC Enforcement Division. “If an international company sells securities in the United States, it must provide truthful information about its business operations.”


The commission said it would credit everything but an $85 million penalty to a settlement Petrobras reached earlier this year with investors who had sued the company over the corruption scheme.

Anonymous ID: 0b742a Sept. 27, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.3212420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2450

Dr Danielle Roberts cleared by NYS of wrongdoing for branding women


The Daily Mail reports that (as usual) New York State has cleared a NXIVM member from any wrongdoing. Dr. Danielle Roberts has been cleared of wrongdoing by the state for her role in branding women on their pubic region without anesthesia.


We will have more on this legal pass that has been given to Dr. Roberts, who, as we reported earlier, is out speaking and recruiting for NXIVM.


Is this a harbinger of future exonerations for NXIVM leaders?


It might be if this were up to New York State. Happily, the US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, where Bronfman money has no influence, is handling the prosecution.


So don’t be disheartened.


Here is the Daily Mail story.


EXCLUSIVE: Nxivm doctor who branded sex-slaves in secret ceremony is now recruiting members into a group she founded – and still speaking at medical conferences


Dr. Danielle Roberts, 37, has been named by former Nxivm members as the person responsible for branding women in the sex-slave cult DOS

She was cleared of any wrongdoing by the New York State Board of Health, and has learned she will soon be speaking at a medical conference

In literature for that conference, Dr. Roberts encourages people to join a group she has founded called EXO/ESO

It is described as a ‘program designed to build total mastery over the physical, emotional and thought components of human performance’

Dr. Roberts would allegedly use a cauterizing pen to burn the flesh of young women with a brand that was the initials of Keith Raniere and Allison Mack

Anonymous ID: 0b742a Sept. 27, 2018, 11:42 a.m. No.3212484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2788

Negligence Or Sabotage? Iran-Iraqi War Poster In Iran’s Shiraz Shows Israeli Troops


A billboard in the Iranian city of Shiraz meant to commemorate the country’s eight-year-long war with Iraq appeared to feature an image of Israeli troops.


The embarrassing mistake of the local administration has already drawn attention in the blogosphere and media once again showing how a neglect of some middle-level staffers may lead to notable consequences.


It’s interesting to note that the original photo included a female soldier, who was removed for the post. The original background was also replaced So, it’s hard to suggest that the “designer” of this poster did not understand what he or she was doing.


After the billboard appeared to be in center of a media scandal, it was removed.


Iran is currently in the middle of its Sacred Defense Week, a week-long holiday meant to commemorate the Iran-Iraq War (1980 until 1988).

Anonymous ID: 0b742a Sept. 27, 2018, 11:48 a.m. No.3212580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2603


They need a war so badly.


Rapper calls for whites to be hanged, white babies to be killed in video yanked from YouTube


French rapper Nick Conrad is under fire for a controversial music video in which he called for the hanging of white people and the death of white babies.


The video, which was shared on YouTube, was promptly pulled from the video streaming site after outcry for violating its policies on hate speech.

What’s in the video?


Conrad’s video was titled, “Pendez les Blancs,” which translates to “Hang the Whites,” was uploaded on Sept. 17 and was reportedly filmed in a Paris suburb.


YouTube removed the content on Wednesday.


In the lyrics, Conrad raps, “I go to nurseries and kill white babies/ catch them quickly and hang their parents/ tear them up to entertain black kids of all ages big and small/ whip them hard/ frankly, it stinks of death as blood is gushing.”


In the video, Conrad pretends to torture, shoot, and hang a white man, and contains references speeches by Malcolm X.


Conrad shared the video on his Twitter page on Tuesday, which he called a “short film.”


At the time of this writing, Conrad’s Facebook page appears to have been deactivated.


What has happened in response to the video?


According to the BBC, the Paris prosecutors’ office has reportedly opened an inquiry into the video.


France’s Interior Minister Gerard Collomb shared his objection to the video and the song on Twitter on Wednesday.


Collomb wrote, “I condemn unreservedly these abject remarks and ignominious attacks. My services work for the immediate withdrawal of the content broadcast. It will be up to the judicial authority to give appropriate follow-up to these hateful appeals to hatred.”


In response to the outcry, the rapper spoke to Le Parisienne, where he said that the video is “fiction,” and that he simply wanted to “reverse the roles of the white man and the black man.”


“This was primarily intended to trace the history of the black people,” he said. “This piece is a mirror, a response to the injustices experienced by my community since slavery. I was inspired by my personal experience and what I observe in my daily life as an artist.”


“I have the impression that the black man must always make more efforts to integrate and get into the mold that society wants to impose on him: at school, in the street, during a job interview,” he explained. “In my clip, which is only fiction, I wanted to reverse the roles of the white man and the black man. And propose a different perception of slavery.”

Anonymous ID: 0b742a Sept. 27, 2018, 11:49 a.m. No.3212599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2623

Just for KEKS


Ireland - Passenger Runs After Plane On Tarmac, Telling Pilot To Wait

Anonymous ID: 0b742a Sept. 27, 2018, 11:51 a.m. No.3212643   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thank You Mother Russia, for Putting Israel in its Place – Gideon Levy


In recent years, Israel has become more “out of control” than usual, ‘patrolling’ Lebanese airspace and bombing the territory of Syria, writes the correspondent Gideon Levy of the country’s oldest daily, Haaretz.


Russia, which after the incident with the IL-20 decided to send the S-300 complexes to Syria, managed to “curb” Israel, showing it the scope of what is allowed, the journalist believes.



“A ray of hope breaks out from behind the clouds: someone sets the framework of what’s permissible for Israel. For the first time in many years, another state makes it clear to Israel that its influence has boundaries, that it is abnormal to do everything that it likes, that it is not alone involved in the game, that America can not always cover it and that it can not harm endlessly “, Writes Levy.


While Hezbollah defeated Israel 12 years ago in a major conflict over Lebanon, and also showed it where its boundaries and limitations are, Russia is the first state actor to do so as a state in many decades.


According to the journalist, Israel needs such restrictions as a no-fly zone. In recent years, “arrogance” and the general geopolitical situation have allowed the country “to get out of control.”


Israeli aircraft could patrol Lebanese airspace as if it was its own, and bombed Syria numerous times, for no coherent reason permissible within international law. Its troops also periodically destroy Gaza, its abuses against Palestinians have only increased despite growing international pressure and general disgust at the crimes of the so-called ‘Jewish state’, and it keeps captive Palestine in an “endless siege” and continues to “occupy” the western bank of the Jordan River. Levy stressed;


“Suddenly someone stood up and said:” Well, stop it. At least in Syria, everything is enough. ” Thank you, Mother Russia, for limiting the child, who has not been pacified for a long time,”


According to him, the Russian response caused “stupor” from Israel, which only showed how much the country needs a “responsible adult who can curb it.” After all, for decades Israel has not come across such a “strange phenomenon”.


In the spring, Bloomberg quoted former and current Israeli officials who threatened that the country’s air force would bomb the S-300 if Russia supplied Syria’s complexes. But now the voices of those who spoke with “empty bravado”, have calmed down, notes Levy.


In the opinion of the journalist, any state has the right to possess air defense, including Syria, and no one should deprive him of such an opportunity by force. But this simple truth sounds to the Israeli authorities as something “unrealistic”.


They used to regard the sovereignty of other countries as “meaningless”, and their own – “sacred” and “highest.”


They “interfered with impunity” in the affairs of the region, hiding behind real or fictional fears about national security. But all this unexpectedly came across the Russian ‘NO’, which brought Israel back to reality.


This happened very opportunely. When Israel “was in the seventh heaven with happiness” because the United States moved the embassy to Jerusalem and reduced the funding to UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), Moscow issued a warning.


Perhaps this will at least slightly balance the “intoxication with power” that has taken possession of the country in recent years, and it will begin to “grow smart and recover.”


Moreover, Russia may inadvertently turn out to be “better for Israel because of all this insane corrupting support that it receives from the current US administration and its predecessors,” Levy argues. He goes on to say:



“Russia has demonstrated to the world a way of dealing with Israel, using only the language that it understands. Let those who really care about the well-being of Israel and justice learn how it is done: only with the use of force,”


According to the journalist, only when Israel is punished and forced to account for its actions, does it act correctly. Its Air Force will think hard before starting another bombing in Syria, “the importance of which, if it exists at all, is unclear.”


Gideon Levy concludes;


“If such a Russian ‘nyet’ also hung over the skies of Gaza, so many useless deaths and destruction would have been avoided. If the international forces rebuffed the Israeli occupation, it would end long ago.


Instead, we have Donald Trump in Washington and pitiful condemnations from the EU because of the eviction of Khan al-Ahmar residents”