No one reads time. Not even your dumb ass.
She will get rich, while your head will still be up your own ass.
The gasp of leftists are trying to cash in on their sheeps gullibility.
This is completely hilarious. No one cares about Ford, and will forget her very quickly. And you will still be poor, fapping in mommies basement
We know.
She's not 10 million dollars book deal rich dumb fuck.
That was not her job. That is his job.
Her job was to point out the crimes Ford's lawyers, media and democrats have committed bringing up obviously false charges. You'll see.
Does being rich stop the Rothschilds from wanting more money? Soros? The Clintons. The media? The "she's already rich" excuse is not holding water.
Who knows? It's just a show anyway. We have zero control until we vote.