Anonymous ID: 8f7fdb Sept. 27, 2018, 11:50 a.m. No.3212616   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why the hell did these lying fucks get their BS liar bitch a hearing! This is such a joke. Why the fuck do we continue to appease the leftists in out country!!! We’ve figured out that appeasing these degenerate faggots doesn’t work in foreign policy. But somehow we can’t figure out that appeasing them at home doesn’t work either.

We need to call their BS for what it is. BULLSHIT! You shouldn’t get to fabricate lies and get rewarded for it by having the opposition treat your charge as credible.

One of the reason I voted for Trump was bullshit like this from lefty fucks. I loved that he called them out on their crap. But guess what…speaking up isn’t enough now. Because they don’t stop. We have to do more….like no fucking hearing for your made up bullshit! I’m so sick of this garbage….but at least the federal sealed indictment count keeps growing….

President Trump and Q, your time is short….either shit or get off the pot! Drops and inconsequential resignations aren’t cutting it anymore. Either drop the fucking hammer….NOW! Or get the fuck out of the way and let the rednecks march on DC. We need to TAKE this country back by every means necessary.

I’m done waiting and watching the left continue their Shit seemingly unabated.

We have paid protestors. We have colleges overrun. We have media in lock step with globalists agenda. We are getting shut out of social media! Etc etc. I’m not waiting until the left takes over and starts beheading Christians. I’m taking lefties out before that happens.

Done waiting. There’s no time left.

If Kav isn’t confirmed, and soon, this larp that isn’t a larp is finished.

Man I feel like we’re losing everything.

Corey Booker needs to get an ass woopin’, hard. No single black eye for that fuck.