No see the bulge around the wing joint, no it's not that.
No 2nd taxiway, on Q pic it's Runway on the left you can see, the main taxi way you see the 2 jets on, turning port to another taxi way, then terminals, so it's dual taxi ways
No those are taxi way designations or those are pointing to terminal areas, I would guess they would all be in english in most of the world, american pilots are not going to read aribic and remember the 911 guys learned to fly here.
What plane are you talking about, the 2 behind? No they are 737-800s they are not as big as a 777
No see on the plane on the left, the blue dips UNDER the nose on right it swoops up white is above the nose
I hear Trump walked him by the White House well and yelled MAGA and kicked his ass down it
Dude you don't want take off, this is a landing photo, they landed, taxied down the main taxiway, now turning off to gate 47 taxiway so you won't see those signs on takeoff, they will just guide you to the runway hold position like Runway 36L 2B you don't always takeoff from the end of the runways so the signs guide you by ground coms on where they want you or you may have to hold if you have to cross a runway so they say tax 2B and hold.
They fly to SK
Proly look like Bradys deflated balls wrinkled pigskin