Anonymous ID: 18bc83 Sept. 27, 2018, 6:55 p.m. No.3222309   🗄️.is 🔗kun

niggers are cruising for a bruising look at this nigger on itunes spewing hate

A “French” rapper named Nick Conrad has a song called “Pendez les blancs!” [Hang the Whites!]. Lyrics below. Video above.


I enter day care centres, I kill white babies,


Grab them quickly and hang their parents,


Take them apart to pass the time.


Entertain the black children, of all ages, large and small.


Whip them hard, do it boldly


Let it stink of death and piss with blood


Hanged from the trees against the starry void


Let this foul fruit create a fascinating spectable


Pale and funny


Take all their life away from them, let them be lifeless objects from now on


Possess them, put your names on their wills


No feelings, let them all die at the same time


Set an example, torture them in front of a group…


Hang them, hang them all, hang the whites” [Refrain]


Nick Conrad’s music, including this song specifically, is available on Spotify, iTunes and all the major platforms.