The diseases … the cures …
Whole-Fat Dairy Associated with Heart Benefit in PURE Study
—Even the saturated fat from it appears acquitted in observational data
MedPage Today
September 12, 2018
Eating dairy daily – including full-fat products – was associated with lower risk of death or cardiovascular disease in the large multinational PURE cohort study.
Consumption of more than two servings of dairy versus no intake each day was linked with a lower risk of death or a major cardiovascular event, including death from cardiovascular causes, non-fatal MI, stroke, and heart failure
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Drinking full-fat milk can 'lower the risk of heart disease' - Good news for whole-fat milk enthusiasts – a new study suggests consuming same can lower your chances of death by heart disease.
Sep 12th 2018
CONSUMING THREE PORTIONS of full fat milk a day could lower rates of heart disease, according to a new study.
The study, carried out on a global observational cohort of 130,000 people in 21 countries and published in The Lancet, suggests that up to three servings per day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, as opposed to lower levels of consumption.
While that claim is broadly in line with previous analyses and observational studies of people’s heart health, it is contrary to the current dietary guidelines issued by health watchdogs worldwide, which suggests that two-to-four servings of fat-free dairy each day is optimal.
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Aspirin could play valuable role as additional treatment for cancer
September 26, 2018, Cardiff University
Regular use of aspirin could help in the treatment of some cancers, finds a new review of 71 medical studies.
The systematic review, which looked at the survival of 120,000 patients with cancer who took aspirin, compared with 400,000 patients who did not, showed that at any time following the diagnosis of some cancers the proportion of patients who were still alive was 20-30% greater in those taking the drug. The spread of cancer to other parts of the body was also substantially reduced in patients using aspirin.
Peter Elwood, Honorary Professor at Cardiff University, who directed the study said: "The use of low-dose aspirin as a preventive in heart disease, stroke and cancer is well established but evidence is now emerging that the drug may have a valuable role as an additional treatment for cancer too."
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Bacteria-fighting viruses could provide new approach to promoting gut health
September 26, 2018 by Jeff Dodge, Colorado State University
Intentionally putting viruses into one's body might seem like a bad idea, but a study conducted at Colorado State University has demonstrated that a combination of bacteria-killing viruses is not only safe for humans, but seems to reduce gastrointestinal inflammation and combat E. coli.
Results from the research by CSU have confirmed the safety and tolerability of using viruses known as bacteriophages to reduce targeted bacterial species in the gut. The new treatment could be used to reduce inflammation-causing bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria known to enhance gastrointestinal health, immune function, and anti-inflammatory processes.
"If you told someone to go eat viruses for a month, they'd probably say you're crazy," said study co-investigator Tiffany Weir, an associate professor in CSU's Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition. "Bacteriophages are pretty cool, because their host range is so specific that you're not going to get sick from them. The ones we used infect E. coli cells and cause them to explode."
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