Anonymous ID: 05e886 Sept. 28, 2018, 1:20 a.m. No.3228364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8405

>>3226626 pb


Q, it’s an anon in Tulsa


Been w you since day 1


Wasn’t with POTUS until I realized how much he was lied about and how violent the left is


I am so happy that POTUS proved me wrong


I fight every day against these brainwashed people who used to be my friends


They let hatred consume them instead of logic


I’ve opened many eyes and exposed how the fake news works


I used to believe CNN myself


I used to be proud I voted for obama


I learn here, I fight the censors on R, the lost friends on FB, and the paid shills on Tw


My thumbs hurt sometimes


My iPhone is cracked to shit


It takes me forever to find the right meme


But I always do have the right meme for the haters and losers


I didn’t make it as a soldier like I tried to over a decade ago


I haven’t made much of my life now tbh


But everyone says I know my shit and even my opponents in arguments compliment my tactics


I stand at the ready, for god and country


I pray for trump


I’ve written him twice letting him know he’s doing so great against such evil - we have his back


These times divisiveness grows and they get more desperate- and it just hardens my resolve to fight for truth and the future


Is it really good v evil? Evil fights with fear


Only love defeats fear


Christ the King says to love the enemy


They really get annoyed when their weapons aren’t met with more hatred


Tell POTUS I am proud of him and want to shake the mans hand or maybe a hug. I really miss my dad - I know he’d be getting a kick out of it all. But he probably just wants me to pay rent if he’s watching now. Think I’ll be alright. WWG1WGA back to the trenches now

Anonymous ID: 05e886 Sept. 28, 2018, 1:30 a.m. No.3228407   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks bro. We have an AAA affiliate here, but the dogs don’t taste as nostalgic in OK


Maybe some del taco too man I’m hungry


But stay up you’re in the belly of the beast


OccupyTheGetty have you researched that shit?


Bad energy in the hills but they hate love


Kill em all - w kindness

Anonymous ID: 05e886 Sept. 28, 2018, 1:38 a.m. No.3228444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8452


Someone told me it’s insane to think Satan is real


The greatest trick he pulled was convincing men he didn’t exist


Please listen to this - pretty sure it was a noteable but it’s so prophetic

Anonymous ID: 05e886 Sept. 28, 2018, 2:10 a.m. No.3228564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8581



Dude she’s a Muslim lady married to a stereotypical NY (((joo))) who went from DNC elite chair and almost mayor to POUND ME IN THE ASS PRISON for (at least) sending dick pics to little girls while his baby son was next to him under the name Carlos fuckin Danger, and now she lives w the wife of Carlos Slim the drug lord posing as a telecom chief.


Optics aren’t that good anyway, they may get better with divorce, has to be the testifying