Anonymous ID: 2b7583 Sept. 28, 2018, 3:13 a.m. No.3228710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8737


Ausanon, newfag, lurker here

Dont lose hope. What has happened to BK has been awful, but it has redpilled so many people, there has been a terrible assault on men by the crazy left (over here too) and I believe this has woken many women to the fact that our sons, husbands, brothers etc are no longer safe, and we are furious!

People are waking at a phenomenal rate and it's all thanks to POTUS, Q and you brilliant anons shining a light onto all the darkness. Although things may get hairy for you guys in the US, I envy you that you have a POTUS and Q team that is working FOR you (and all of us ww).

I also want to add to all the H/Wood anons that I am happy to see you here (famefag or not) as it gives me hope that not everyone in Hwood is evil. Thank you.

Sorry for the interruption anons, I'll head back to lurkerville now and keep praying for you all. I really do love you faggots