Anonymous ID: 2e1d37 Sept. 28, 2018, 4:27 a.m. No.3228934   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Morning anons!

Going to be a great day!


Crashed out and missed a few Q posts last night, just got caught up. Anyone know if there is any validity to what thomas wictor was putting out on their twatter last night about Alyssa Milano being involved in a Jack Ruby / Feinstein - Milk type scenario?

Im glad that /ourguys/ are getting protection. These asshats being bussed in this morning though… still alot of potential for derailment and we know that the left has no qualms, no morals to stop them from doing something horrible to get their way. Please be safe everyone out there. Ill be praying for everyone, even the useful idiots.


Also, was i dreaming thinking Rod Rosenstein was at that Kavanaugh hearing the first time when that father tried to shake his hands? Was he part of the dry run-distraction?