Anonymous ID: 835242 Sept. 28, 2018, 4:03 a.m. No.3228867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8872 >>8874 >>8879 >>8887

>>3227446 (pb)

>>3227465 (pb)


Not sure about them being same or clones, but after watching the body language video on Blasey-Ford, it's becoming obvious this is C_A op.


She (agent/paid actor) is ill-equipped for the job. Op requires acting, emotion, ability to sway. She puts on a fake acting job (think govt vs hollywood/priv sector, when it comes to skilz) and doesn't have enough capacity and data to answer a 20 question Blade Runner interview.


Could it be Schumer? Suppose, but Schumer seems more unstable/unpredictable. This woman is a psych manipulator actor agent (same acting school as SH coroner - kek).


C_A is protection arm of this cabal of federal elect & employs as Q has confirmed numerous times.


It's such a ragged Op that they need to rely on perp/spy DiFi to pull it off. Ford revealed so many psychological tells and ignorance of basic words, phrases & answers she should know as a professor…she is no professor. Bad actress at best, loony tune for sure.


Conclusion: Q/mil has the plan and reveals it. Anons pick up true meaning and fill in puzzle ahead of various waves of information and revelation. Intel (+ and -) also see plan in advance but past success and hubris creates blind spot so they are in catch up mode. Even though they know the plan, their current arsenal isn't upgraded to a strategy they do not understand. The media military machine has been so effective (and continues to be in various ways), that in addition to believing that Hilary could not lose, they believe their gun will still work under water. They can't discern between real Op strategy and disinfo, so they have to chase their tail every single time.


Q/mil/DJT have a laser pen and the C_I cats are giving us an epic viral crazy cat show.


Mitchell took heat for her questioning, but she was a brilliant psych analyst. She had her peeled apart within 2-3 questions and if given an hour or two, this actress Ford would have been crushed or towels thrown in by council or rabid dems.


This has been a very important day for people. If they have eyes to see and ears to hear, they can understand more about their world in this one day and maybe have the courage to question their programs and re/self-wire to be able to adapt and evolve.


The second Ford had to answer questions not on-script and provide specific details beyond the basic story, she was fooked ("What was the color of the wall in your kitchen at that time?" would have derailed her).


I watched to entire body language interview while watching the Schumer gif. a) Schumer would have done a better acting job, b) anons would have recognized her immediately, c) the body language analyst nailed it. "She looks like she got together with her liberal professor friends and hatched a plan to take down Kavanaugh." d) they still might be related or clone-cousin kek


Operation Amateur Hour


The replicants in Blade Runner did a better job. Blasey-Ford ver. 1 Replicant