Anonymous ID: 86517b Sept. 28, 2018, 12:45 a.m. No.3228195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8208 >>8250

All seriousness anons keep a look out over the next few days. They legitimately only have one final option at this point when he gets confirmed. They are completely backed into the corner, they know tribunals are coming, they know their entire world is about to come crashing down if they don't act so they are the most dangerous at this moment. Keep a look out and see something/say something.

Anonymous ID: 86517b Sept. 28, 2018, 12:51 a.m. No.3228225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8236


Which can be dangerous considering how they have repeatedly shown to be able to get close to these politicians (Cruz, McCon, etc). It isn't coincidence that someone from a House office doxed them today and gave their home addresses.


They are basically throwing it out there, riling people up on the media and in essence saying 'here you go, now handle it".

Anonymous ID: 86517b Sept. 28, 2018, 12:59 a.m. No.3228267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8274 >>8276 >>8288 >>8289 >>8433


Here is an interesting thing. From right around when POTUS began to gain steam during the election I began red pilling based on numerous things. Nothing forced, never forced, just subtle tactics and now a few years later I can honestly say I have brought about 20-25 people back into the fold. That is just one person and I am positive you all have similar experiences. You may have less, you may have more, but the bottom line is the collective effort has completely rearranged the format of the country again and brought MANY back into the fold through strategic and, frankly, honest statements to them and how they could find real facts to bypass the BS. We have probably, as a whole, collectively brought a massive percentage back into the fold and that right there is just something the corrupt/foreign controlled media cannot compete with because we, unlike them, are relentless and we, unlike them, are at an intelligence level they cannot even comprehend.


That is why no shill groups have any effect on us as we, literally, see through all the deceptions with ease and some may argue, myself included, that there is something otherworldly or mystical going on as well given the "11" phenomena, dreams associated that many of us have had, and our connection through a universal hive mind that transcends what any current scientific studies are showing.

Anonymous ID: 86517b Sept. 28, 2018, 1:11 a.m. No.3228319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8335 >>8428


You have to let some people go though anon. A very large percentage of the population (literally) have no inner thought dialogue. Not a "I see car, don't cross now", nothing. This is a revelation that is only recently being made more public but, throwing aside all the "Q" and POTUS and everything else for a moment, that is pretty much the bottom line foundation of why we all are here. We are constantly streaming information be it on the net, sports, wherever and this advantage has, I would wager, caused many to constantly seek more information while also giving them a monumental advantage in many different avenues.


Just plant the seed in those types and move on to those who are more connected. You will undoubtedly know them right away as I have said for many years and will say again now - We sense our own.

Anonymous ID: 86517b Sept. 28, 2018, 1:21 a.m. No.3228370   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>at what point is is their fault too


In my personal opinion they are beyond redemption and should be treated as such if they are actively attempting to harm our country. If they don't bother anyone, whatever, but for all those freaks who have attacked, threatened, tried to destroy our country, etc… they are my enemy due to their desire to destroy my country. I think many share that thought.


Not to steal a quote but they made the worst mistake they could make and they woke the sleeping giant and filled it with a terrible resolve. Personally I feel overly vindicated in that I have studied global politics and things such as what Q has been delivering for years and have always brought up the danger and moves China has been active in. Now it is finally hitting the public and I can't even convey how much of a relief it is.

Anonymous ID: 86517b Sept. 28, 2018, 1:27 a.m. No.3228397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8449


You aren't wrong to see the inevitability of what is coming anon. At the same time I think you are making a very bad move meeting with anyone who has a history of such behavior and you should use common sense which should be screaming at you - "do not give them access to me until this issue is resolved".


Back to your "concern" though. I think any and all of us know the inevitability of some form, likely light, of conflict. They will likely wreck cities, the feds will round them up, the high profile ones will be recirculated and the low profiles will be disappeared as has been going on with ANTIFA for months now. Notice how a group of 200,000 people is now about 10 at their "events"? Do you think that just has to do with money? Use your head, we are and have been at war and those enemy combatants have been being dealt with. You just don't hear about it because none of them even know each other or are friends but are just indoctrinated, rounded up and shuttled out. Easy for the good guys to handle business and not raise issues.

Anonymous ID: 86517b Sept. 28, 2018, 1:31 a.m. No.3228413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8420 >>8434 >>8547


Yeah I was a bit shocked that anons didn't overly pick up on the fact that she "went out with" the very same guy that was suggested that she mistook Kav for.


So she "went out with" (her words) a Kavanaugh look alike? She also protected him by not naming him so there is clearly still attachment even after all these years.

Anonymous ID: 86517b Sept. 28, 2018, 1:51 a.m. No.3228491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8507


That must be so infuriating for her a woman and a prosecutor who has literally seen and worked with real victims. She kept her cool despite the clear bullshit circus and she controlled the tempo/was respectful in her delivery so nobody could later bitch. But seriously this must have been so upsetting to women out in the world watching this. Especially single women who are sitting there scratching their head saying "no wonder men steer clear of women now a days".


Ford completely did a service to showing the world how poisonous that movement is.

Anonymous ID: 86517b Sept. 28, 2018, 1:58 a.m. No.3228519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8525 >>8536 >>8553


Glad you brought this up as it reminds me. I have no evidence to substantiate but, how do I explain this, I see patterns in everything to a different type of level. Logically, analytically and so on. It is always how my mind has worked but, long story short and based on patterns of criminal activity while including variations and other things that I don't want to explain, Australia is about to see a massive uptick in child abductions and especially in nice neighborhoods.


To sum this briefly. America is out of order for them, they exhausted the traditional methods in the EU and parents now know what to look for there (the smart ones anyhow). Australia remains as the biggest open "market" to them which they have yet to truly exploit and their need of white children (for both trafficking and to add to their plan to limit white growth rate in countries) tells me that Australia will be heavily targeted over the next few weeks/months because they know once the POTUS gets the seat he will then be able to fully move on them. People in Australia, you don't know me, have no reason to buy what I am saying but, for what it's worth, I have never been wrong when it comes to pattern recognition so be wary.

Anonymous ID: 86517b Sept. 28, 2018, 2:48 a.m. No.3228650   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Off topic but I was earlier considering the "remodel" that the WH had when POTUS/family spent a good while at Mar-A-Lago. Looking back on those discussions back then we always knew they fucked with the WH which led to the "remodel" but now that it's all confirmed, several years later, can you even imagine the shit they did and setup. Man oh man..

Anonymous ID: 86517b Sept. 28, 2018, 3:15 a.m. No.3228714   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This surprisingly never made its rounds here. Definitely one of the most hilarious interviews on CNN I have ever watched. She is about to have a stroke.