Anonymous ID: f4469e Sept. 28, 2018, 1:16 a.m. No.3228340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8350 >>8353 >>8358 >>8361 >>8375 >>8397 >>8403 >>8447 >>8710

Anons, hollywoodanon here…


I am having lunch with a friend tomorrow who had unfriended me on Facebook because of my tweets (where I'm so dumb I thought I'd disguised my identity sufficiently to tweet my mind). He and I had been through the 2000 Algore fiasco and we had so many talks that he eventually re-registered as a Republican (which I believe he still is to this day). I have watched over the years as he has vilified me and anyone who believed as I do, but I always just "tolerated" his spiritually-blind views.


Tomorrow, though, I have lunch with him at DreamWorks (well, I think it's something else now, all the freaking buyouts). Today was an absolute nightmare. I spent the day at Disneyland with my brother and his wife and four daughters, and all I could do was keep myself from bursting in to tears over what the cabal has done to the world (and, in fact, on the way home just now, I prayed and DID burst in to tears). I have been lurking now for 90 minutes [tonight, relax], and watched Graham and some of Kavanaugh (tears again), but I am discouraged. I truly believe STICK TO THE PLAN. TRUST THE PLAN. But today was a nightmare, and, as one anon said, "one of the gayest days in American history." Q - I know you'll never answer this, but good God, how have we allowed it to come to this?


I don't care about being called a Concernfag, because I don't ever do this. Call me whatever you fuckers want. Maybe I'm "faithless Israel" in this moment. I'm one of Q's biggest cheerleaders. I can reference the posts to prove it. But man I hated what happened today. I am embarrassed. Graham too little too late. Kavanaugh should NEVER have had to make that speech. KILL THESE FUCKERS. Kill them all.


Go ahead, tear me apart. I'm going to sleep, and I'll never look at it anyway. Just wish I could get some encouragement from the place that has lifted me up so much.


-hollywoodanon (who's absolutely done with this town)

Anonymous ID: f4469e Sept. 28, 2018, 1:28 a.m. No.3228402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8409 >>8469


Man, ultimately that's what all of this is about. As I drove home I prayed that God would smite our enemies or end the whole world. I told him I'm not good enough to bless those who curse me (those in power). But the HS kept reminding me Christ said, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." I just have a really difficult time ascribing to stupidity that which can be ascribed to certifiable evil.

Anonymous ID: f4469e Sept. 28, 2018, 1:32 a.m. No.3228418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8463


But, man, I told God today I'll take up arms. I'd rather die fighting for what's right than watch what's evil continue unchecked. If my friend can be awakened (again), I will get a second wind. But right now I'm ready to end it. I love what's right too much to allow what's evil to continue.

Anonymous ID: f4469e Sept. 28, 2018, 1:38 a.m. No.3228447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8471


Well, the interesting thing is that my friend actually tweeted a response to me that I "will always be [his] friend" and that he wished me well in my future endeavors. I texted him shortly thereafter and apologized for the harshness of my tweets (which I think I was right to apologize for, I've been pretty pissed). He actually told me he'd wanted to tweet really hateful things in response to me, but "something (Christ?) prevented me." (he goes to a liberal Presby "church"). I have been able to reason with him in the past, and we know that Twitter et al are not good places to get our points across. He cited the friendship of Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda who were lifelong friends who agreed never to talk politics (God, how I wish they had). But frankly, I'm down to I'd say 5 friends in my whole social circle, from a MUCH larger group a few years ago. I can't really afford to lose them all.

Anonymous ID: f4469e Sept. 28, 2018, 1:47 a.m. No.3228475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8550


Hills of Burbank. Muh doxxing. Stockpiling water a like a lunatic per POTUS. Re: heavy lifting, I get. I'm only 2A after 11/6. Hope to meet up when SHTF. See you at the AMC 16 KEK.

Anonymous ID: f4469e Sept. 28, 2018, 2:13 a.m. No.3228571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8573


1/3 ain't the worst. According to this crazy-detailed map at least. The one my A-list partner sent me (sorry, is that "famefagging?").