Thank you for this bread, Baker. You're doing an awesome job for us!
I've had only 1 cup of coffee so my brain is slow. I don't understand the name of this loaf, but I'm certainly going to try to figure it out, lol. Moar covfefe will help.
Thank you for this bread, Baker. You're doing an awesome job for us!
I've had only 1 cup of coffee so my brain is slow. I don't understand the name of this loaf, but I'm certainly going to try to figure it out, lol. Moar covfefe will help.
Thank you for explaining, Anon. I just poured my covfefe so I can wake up and dig here, off and on, today.
I'm a little foggy because I watched the entire hearing online yesterday: 10:00 a.m. until 7:45 a.m. Ordinarily I wouldn't make such a commitment of time, but I will be a lawfag some day so I viewed it as an extracurricular assignment. I learned a lot, and I enjoyed a good review of constitutional law, criminal procedure, and evidence law (i.e., by reviewing in my head as things unfolded).
It will be such an honor and privilege to be an ethical lawfag someday and fight for the Constitution (including all of its amendments, especially the First and Second Amendments).
Hey formerprosecutorfag and others, did you watch the hearing? Many things about CBF jumped out at me including, but not limited to, the facts that:
she presented with an obviously overblown child-like affect, evidenced by her goo-goo-ga-ga babytalk voice and Valley Girl voice inflections at the end of almost every sentence;
she "dry-cried," rather than cried with tears, evidrnced by the absence of tears and the fact that she didn't use tissues (as a real victim, like Kav, would have done);
prior to the end of her first round (before caffeine break) she was dry crying, but when she switched to asking for covfefe or caffeine, she turned into a smiling, giggly girl, as though she had not just been fake-devastated while describing this alleged incident;
I read earlier, yesterday, that her side of family did not sign a letter of support for her but, rather, only her husband's family did; and
when she was describing how the "threats" she's allegedly received forced her and family to move in with her parents, she was asked by the prosecutor if she discussed this case with her parents. CBF let out a loud, harsh, vehement "NO!!!" in response to question about whether she's discussed with parents.
Possibly she and her parents are intentionally distancing themselves so we won't think they are aligned in this fraud. Too late, though, because we know her family is deeply connected to the Clowns in America.
I wasconcerned that nobody asked about CBF's own behsvior, evidrnced in her own damning yearbooks, which we've seen because Anons got our hands on them.
I also wonder why nobody grilled her on the fact that her entire social media footprint was scrubbed, and it allegedly contains references to her desire to charge Gorsuch with false rape allegations (according to things I read in previous breads).
Those are just some random points I thought maybe we could kick around today while we wait for Judge Kavanaugh to be confirmed.
Thank you.