Anonymous ID: 8f417d Sept. 28, 2018, 5:44 a.m. No.3229367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9391

Young anons listen up.

Those of you setting in your college years.


Make damn sure you wrap your head around this concept. I do not care what kind of environment you find yourself in. Pay fucking attention to LIFE. First and FOREMOST, be fucking smart enough to understand, no matter how worthless YOU think YOU are, there's someone watching you that loves you.

You will walk the path of life. When the day comes and you stand at the T in the road. Be damn sure you understand that you are standing at that T. See it! Carefully consider the possibilities either direction holds for you.

DO NOT be like this anon.

DO NOT Stand on that T and not know it.

When you stand on that T without a clue and God shows you heaven down the right road, and you reject it, instead choosing absolute hell down the left road….. There will come a day when God shows you the entirety of what you rejected. That WILL Be the worst day of your life.

Be fucking smart anons

Slow down enough to pay fucking attention.

Don't ever make the same mistake twice.


This PSA brought to you by years of experience.

Carry on..


Anonymous ID: 8f417d Sept. 28, 2018, 5:50 a.m. No.3229409   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon o7


Don't think for a minute I wanted to have the ability to pass on this kind of information. Always listen to the man who tells you how not to do something. He didn't want the experience either.