Anonymous ID: 9941f3 Sept. 28, 2018, 5:14 a.m. No.3229148   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cruz has a national call in town hall to support B.K.

I was also on another.


I am 100% sure Cruz and Coryn from TX will be voting to confirm. Just know if you are not represented by the elected officials you contact, it's sort of a moot point, and blasting them on social media does little good. But all anons should contact, if nothing to give positive confirmation.

Anonymous ID: 9941f3 DiFi + Yee the gun runner Sept. 28, 2018, 5:18 a.m. No.3229178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9187

Did some digging Senator Diane Feinstein and California state Senator Leeland “the gun runner” Yee.


Sorry for the random/reposts.


Diane was warned by Democrat President, Bill Clinton’s administration.

In 1997, The New York Times reported that Feinstein was one of six members of Congress specifically warned about being vulnerable targets for influence operations from China.


I have to read a UK paper to get a really good documentation on State democrat corruption. FBI meetings w/ California state Democrat Yee contain details you'd expect of a mob thriller: murder for hire, gun running, marijuana farming, truckloads of contraband cigarettes and stolen liquor and political pay-for-play, and even a side of Muslim terrorists. The story is stranger still given the political corruption target. Democrat Yee holds a doctorate in child psychology and has held elected posts on the San Francisco school board (MOAR KIDS) and Board of Supervisors, and has sat in both the California Assembly and Senate. In the affidavit, he is described once as "Uncle Leland." Gun-grabber State Sen Leland Yee knew where to get missiles, launchers, machine-guns etc….how'd he know that?

Did Democrat Lee get any help from Di/FI. and Hillary's State Dept?


Yee is the third Democratic state senator in California to face charges in 2014. Sen. Rod Wright was convicted of perjury and voter fraud for lying about his legal residence in Los Angeles County, and Sen. Ron Calderon has been indicted on federal corruption charges. Wright and Calderon are taking a voluntary leave of absence, with pay, although Republicans have called for them to be suspended or expelled from the Legislature. (take pay w/o working, nice to rob the people of California)

I cannot make this up- trafficking guns, access to kids.

All this is going on in Diane’s back yard of SanFran. “What's the connection? Raymond 'Shrimp Boy' Chow appears in this courtroom sketch. Chow has been previously convicted in a San Francisco organized crime probe, but even ##Sen. Diane Feinstein had since labelled him reborn as an 'asset' to the community of San Francisco##” Really? An asset, Diane? You don’t say.


Congressional Notification required



Third party transfers are subject to requirements for Congressional notification under AECA, §3(d) (reference (c)), using guidelines similar to those for AECA, §36(b) (reference (c)) notifications (see Chapter 5, section C5.6).

A 30-day prior Congressional notification is required for third-party transfer requests that involve defense articles and services with original acquisition values that fall in one of the following categories: Major Defense Equipment (MDE) with an acquisition value equal to or greater than $14,000,000 for non-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) recipients and $25,000,000 if the recipient is a member of NATO, Australia, Israel, Japan, New Zealand or Republic of Korea; or any other defense article or related training or defense service with an acquisition value of $50,000,000 or more for non-NATO recipients and $100,000,000 or more for NATO, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand recipients.

Approval is granted after the 30-day (including weekends) period has expired if no objections are raised.

Back in Sept 2014, Senate intel head Di/Fi was whining about the CIA looking through her computers and taking documents. Clearly, the CIA had plenty on her—-even BEFORE the shocking Chi/Com missile scandal broke. Di/Fi's known aversion to guns did not prevent her from honoring jailbird Lee's co-defendant, Raymond Chow—Chow is the key figure in Cali's Democrat state Sen Leland Yee's shocking missile deal w/ China (Yee is a notorious grabber of American guns).


-Feinstein heads the Senate Intel Committee;

  • Her hubby Richard Blum made million as the lawyer for Chinese interests;

  • gun-grabber Leland Yee knew where to get missiles, launchers, machine-guns etc;

  • Co-conspirator Raymond Chow was jailed, then freed when he professed to be a “really nice guy”…. honored by Di/Fi for working with local Chinese youths.

THE DI/FI STORY COULD DWARF YEE'S ARMS DEAL: Taxpayers demand and investigation of Di/Fi's intel activities.

  • Did Di use her access to valuable US security data improperly?

  • Hubby Richard Blum made millions in China deals in past years. How'd he do that?

  • Is hubby cutting new deals w/ the Chi/Coms?


Anonymous ID: 9941f3 Sept. 28, 2018, 5:19 a.m. No.3229187   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This endorsement (FIENSTEIN’s )never would have happened without last month’s indictment of state Senator Leland Yee on corruption charges. Yee and Feinstein are both San Francisco Democrats and he was Padilla’s chief rival for party support.


Here’s her “endorsers”, aka people who owe her.


Self-explanatory. She is up for re-election, but was investigated by Bammy’s CIA (Brennan/Clapper..remember Yee was working with Asian Muslims)


Nothing to see here:

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s warm relationship with and advocacy for Communist China go back decades and involve millions, if not billions, of dollars.

“I sometimes say that in my last life maybe I was Chinese.”—Sen. Dianne Feinstein


TL:DR So much involvement with China and crimes and money laundering and god knows what..


And the road goes on forever and the party never ends….

Anonymous ID: 9941f3 Sept. 28, 2018, 6:06 a.m. No.3229527   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no prob. It is just bread rises instantly with Q and anons dont mess with long winded posts.


If it's not notable it's not notable. I have it on my computer. Thanks!