Our policy is to respect Barron's privacy. No more Barron memes, OK?
Rehashing Q's words to Anons is not our job. Our job is to digest what he said, derive meaning from it, and formulate memes to convey that message in little tasty bites.
Oh - an Anon already made ton of Qcrumbs. No need to repeat that work.
Visit the
IMAGE LIBRARY mega.nz/#F!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg
and open QCrumbs folder to view them.
I have figured out how to automate the conversion of memes to the size and shape required for optimal Twitter viewing.
(1024x512 pixels).
I have begun processing files.
A few examples are attached to illustrate this.
When ready, I will store the Twitter-converted images on mega.nz .
Our original meme files will remain on mega.nz.
The converted memes will be clearly marked /Scaled For Twitter/.
I will make an announcement when these are ready.
There is no need for meme-droppers to spend a lot of time converting memes one by one, unless you just want to.
Here is how they will look. If you have an issue with this, please let me know ASAP.
We have added a second image library on mega.nz:
IMAGES SCALED FOR TWITTER 1024 x 512 mega.nz/#F!Kxt2QSyC!0AK44ZpbsF5ASzTyhg6huw
These will be the same images that are on the 1st image library, but transformed in shape to display better on Twitter. If you're going to drop on Twitter, get your images from this set instead.
This library is still uploading (as of 9:00 PM EST) but should be full in a few hours or so.