Anonymous ID: 522bac Sept. 28, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.3232133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2156

Disinformation is real.

Disinformation is necessary.

Acceptance of the Information always occurs according to individual levels of Consciousness. Today, drops which seemed contradictory are accepted easily and solved by numerous persons WW, depending on their Levels of Consciousness. There will always be a veil in the answers to the questions asked. Getting the answers to questions easily causes You to lose out on the opportunity to take initiative. Answers are clarified in proportion with the Consciousness you achieve by your own initiative. Expand your thinking. Wear out your own Consciousness without exhausting others. Repeatedly, you were told to learn "Double Meanings", as there are multiple meanings within each Information. Everyone can grasp these meanings in proportion with the Consciousness he/she has attained. Learn and attain the Information not only by asking, but by also discerninment according to the present, and in future, experiencing it. Denying the given Information is only due to unconsciousness in the present. A great misconception is to evaluate everything according to the past. Past determines the path of the future, however do not forget that future also proves past. In certain Information dictated, the goal is to intensify attention in the present by tests. Disinformation provided along with the Information provides the means of testing by contradiction. Consciousness are assessed in accordance with the reactions you have towards these contradictions. If the Information is against your thoughts, then your level of Consciousness can surely repel it. This is because you are not yet ready. For this reason, no one can be forced to accept. The initiative is entirely individual. In future, even more numerous unknown matters will be mentioned to you. Expand your thinking. Train yourself now, so that your Consciousness will not be stupefied and scattered even more.

Disinformation is necessary.

Disinformation is real.

Anonymous ID: 522bac Sept. 28, 2018, 9:11 a.m. No.3232156   🗄️.is 🔗kun


For those who are meticulous about disinformation. The Information which seems like contradiction, is included on purpose. There is a stimulating factor in each Information. Disinformation is given, so that the Information in question will be searched and found. Contradictions and certain disinformation is especially added according to the Plan, for measuring the Consciousness level of the society, to prepare situations for Awakening and advancement.

Satisfaction caused by Knowledge leads to lethargy. For this reason, disinformation is a must. You may accept these bits of disinformation as a kind of a Key: Each contradiction will lead to a Q-uestion and each Q-uestion will open a Door of Knowledge. Those who solve the contradictions will open the Doors. Everything has meaning. For this reason, the crumbs should be read again and again. There are no mistakes since this Information is different than that to which you have been habituated.

Behaviors are assessed in accordance with the reactions you have towards these contradictions. The goal is to attain the maturity of not denying the things which you do not know.