Anonymous ID: 9c1a26 Sept. 28, 2018, 9:03 a.m. No.3232052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2064 >>2067 >>2664

Dating app Bumble publishes full-page ad in NY Times: 'Believe Women'


Bumble, a female-focused dating app, published a full page ad in The New York Times on Friday in support of victims of sexual assault, a day after Christine Blasey Ford testified against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Whitney Wolfe Herd, founder and CEO of Bumble, unveiled the full-page ad in Friday’s edition of the New York Times on Twitter.

“Believe women,” the text reads on a sheet of yellow, Bumble’s signature color.

Wolfe Herd also announced that the organization was making a $25,000 donation to the Rape, Assault and Incest National Network (RAINN) to help survivors of sexual violence.

Anonymous ID: 9c1a26 Sept. 28, 2018, 9:15 a.m. No.3232222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2238 >>2303 >>2367 >>2758

Meanwhile in the House…


House votes to extend individual tax cuts


The House on Friday voted to permanently extend the individual tax cuts in President Trump’s 2017 tax law, giving House Republicans a chance to tout the law as they prepare to leave Washington to campaign.


The legislation passed on a vote of 220-191.

Anonymous ID: 9c1a26 Sept. 28, 2018, 9:23 a.m. No.3232333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2367 >>2758 >>2772

Meanwhile in the House…


Bill to battle opioid epidemic overwhelmingly passes the House


The House voted overwhelmingly on Friday in favor of a bill that sets new policies and reauthorizes hundreds of billions of dollars in federal grants in a bid to fight America's opioid epidemic.

A majority of the policies, though, focus primarily on improving access to addiction treatment. A 2016 federal survey found that only one in 10 Americans with an addiction get treatment.

In addition to reauthorized grant funding, the legislation codifies an increase in the number of prescriptions a doctor can make for the drug buprenorphine, which is used to treat addiction, from 100 to 275. It also expands the type of healthcare provider that can prescribe the treatment, including nurse practitioners.

The legislation would repay student loans for people that agree to work in substance abuse treatment, and repeals a decades-old rule that prohibits hospitals from caring for more than 16 patients with drug abuse and mental health.

The legislation also requires Medicaid to cover all types of medication assisted treatment used to treat addiction, which include buprenorphine and methadone.

Currently, under Medicaid rules, hospitals cannot allow more than 16 patients with mental illnesses or addictions to stay at the hospital. Going over this limit endangers Medicaid reimbursements for the facility.

The STOP Act, included in the package, gives the U.S. Postal Service more tools to identify shipments of illicit fentanyl from overseas. The information could then be sent to customs agents to seize the shipments.

Congress found earlier this year that it is incredibly easy to buy fentanyl online, with a majority of the shipments of the powerful painkiller coming from China.