Actual, principled conservative here. I've supported Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy in 2015, and I was beyond impressed with his decision to nominate Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. With that said, I take all matters relevant to sexual assault very seriously. I have a daughter, and I believe it is our duty – no, our universal moral imperative – to hear out all women who have allegedly been sexually assaulted – including Kavanaugh's accuser, Christine B. Ford – loudly, clearly, and as transparently as possible. We must also allow the Senate to conduct a thorough investigations of what are seemingly credible allegations of sexual assault. Remoteness shouldn't play much of a part in our considerations. Let me remind you that this isn't a partisan issue. Sexual assault harms everyone. Given my strong principles, I can even come to acknowledge the reasonableness with which Senators Kamala Harris and Chuck Schumer speak.Thus, I support a delay in the Senate's vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Once he is cleared, I think the Senate should confirm him. And that's coming from an actual, principled conservative.