Look fro Mogg to replace May.
Look fro Mogg to replace May.
Well said, anon. I think you speak for a great deal of us – those here, riveted, tense, along for the ride, with this until the goddamn wheels fall off with never ending hope – the hope required to keep ourselves sane and to carry on in light of the depths of certain group's depravity, corruption and evil insanity that has had control over the wealthiest and useful among us, our "leaders" and has spread across the four corners of our world for time untold.
He's got a vocal support base and is pro-Brexit. Conservative and as close to nationalist as you can get for a Brit's comfort. Well respected, academic, intellectual, has a good shot if he got $$ backing. A smart, honest and do-gooder kind of guy. I hope he gets the kind of support needed to be a real competitor.