Thanks, I'm doing great! Bored... but patient and based on my decoding as of late I won't be bored for much longer as the most recent codes I've noticed imply the filmed victims stuff is coming up for DECLAS in response to some porn doxxing plan the bad guys have.
I would do more of my story but most of the rest of it feels to me like it needs the videos to properly explain it - well coding is useful in its own way and the better I get at it the better I can explain it and as Q said - Symbolism = end - so decoding that stuff is adhering to the QMAP : )
I'm fine, and I'm not sure what's going on with my family, the good guys send me codes about them sometimes, but honestly it's depressing thinking of them and the future they have. I've been really nice to them by never saying their names or including their faces but obviously they can still and do harass me at times... well apparently a few times it wasn't them but clowns pretending to be them - it gets confusing who is who so it's best to just keep myself being honest and only saying what I know from memory and decode.
I think Q said she was passed around - or that may have just been a QBOARD title (which Q is sometimes a baker so it could still be Q) - I think she's not a cult victim but just a weak minded individual who has been convinced to do something stupid for 5 minutes of fame.