adhd and add is a fake disorder found by a jewish guy
i was prescribed pharmacuetical amphetamines for 10+ years
it fucked me up mentally and physically
when i quit adderal my entire life changed for the better
i know its a sham
i just wanna apologize to my kindergarten self
when i was 16 i quit them cause i knew there was something wrong with them
it dextroyed my trust in doctors
id strangle the guy who prescribed them to me
seriously it took me years to fix myself mentally from the damage
eat better
get good sleep
you dont need that garbage
if you take tylenol all the time your body will make random pains so you take more tylenol same with this
eat clean
get sugar and junk food out your body
get away from hormone disruptor and take lugols iodine, you dont need it at all
i hated it because i was so skinny and from such a young age and i was on it so long i couldnt recognise the 'speed' part of what it was doing to me, i went through puberty on this garbage. a year after stopping it i entered a body building competition at 17, complete 180 in my life
>young people cant make wise decisions