Q, I can't help but think the entire Kavanaugh thing is fake and just a show. Kavanaugh made it a point during a hearing to point out that he still has and reads from his 6th grade copy of 'To kill a mockingbird' and we all know killing the mockingbird clown media is a goal but with the entire topics of that book and the situation it entails. Also seemed odd drilling home the point over and over again that the FBI shouldn't make recommendations or reach conclusions when they did exactly that in the Clinton case when the decision should have fallen to the justice department on whether to prosecute.
would be well and good accept we already tried digging on her deeply and she's been scrubbed or was ghosted the entire time because she's a spook
yeah except he's tied the entire thing to the right and conservatives
nothings going to happen to her, nothings happened to anyone, no name died a hero for fucks sake
there's no way to target voter id at this point. The house reps are gone until post mid terms and it's doubtful any state legislators are going to take it up either
you have to realize that some of those blackmailed had it done after they were drugged and totally suggestible or controllable. what do you do in those cases where the person may have visited a party at one point where there was drinks, strippers, etc. Perhaps after being drugged a senator in a back room with a stripper is almost totally incapacitated and the adult strippers is replaced with an underage minor while many pictures are taken. While I agree on exposing those truly evil, what about those who got ensnared in the web and then were controlled after that point by that blackmail? after all those people are victims as well
yep sure and as soon as multiple more women pop up during the week the whole shitshow will continue with the Dems demanding another week to investigate each new claim. at this point Kavanaugh won't be confirmed before the mid terms. I don't know if they think this is a good play and then more people will turn out to vote R to save the seat but I doubt it as it makes the R's look totally weak and ineffectual always allowing Dems, even when the minority to control everything