As tired as this anon is of all the bullshit, I can clearly see why Q keeps saying that these people are stupid. With all their hysteria the D's seem to have forgotten that Comey and his friends are no longer in charge at the FBI. If the FBI gets involved the investigation will be real, and they are not going to play games with Dr. Ford and her handlers as the Senate Republicans just did. You can't pull shit out of your ass and offer it to real FBI agents as proof of anything, and if you're lying to them they're going to find out. Do Democrats REALLY want the FBI digging up their backyard? I don't think so. Do you?
People who commit crimes themselves and then call the police to report usually get busted eventually. The Senate Democrats should watch any episode of Columbo.
This is a long game, and my long departed grandma used to always say that backstabbers who dig holes for others to fall into very often fall into the hole themselves. This was true in the old days, and its still true today. These evil people are all going to be swept away—just like the bloodthirsty Nephilim of Noah's day—by the same divine power that put our POTUS into office.
We need a 'Swept Away' edition for the next bread to remind the concernfags that another Great Flood is almost upon us.