These are the ones I'm less confident about.
A couple of breads back an anon posted three graphics (Obama's Secret Pardons,
Obama's Treason, Operation Kavanaugh). The anon included the below statement
with the drops:
"These briefs have appeared starting in bread #3593, I believe, and include
info only Q could know. There were more, but sadly I lost a couple. Whether
this is from a "helper Anon" or Q himself, I believe these briefs are someone
providing the most clear Q-proofs we have, and are forthtelling THE PLAN,
showing us what we are missing that we indeed "have it all"."
I agree with the anon's statement. I tried a while back to get the BO to collect
and place them in GLOBALS or someplace of prominence, without success. I
too worry I've missed some. I also have a few others that have a similar feel, but
I'am not as confident of the source.
So I'll post the ones I've got and and if other anons do the same we may get a full
collection. Some were dropped a couple of times with different titles so sorry if
I post duplicates.