Are they reinstating Strozk to investigate the allegations on K?
I would not put it past this fucked up movie.
Are they reinstating Strozk to investigate the allegations on K?
I would not put it past this fucked up movie.
Go fund me is the new Nonprofit money laundering scheme.
WTF - mirror winning and loosing?
This is a battle loss
Awan may have actually been the loss of the war.
They bypass our laws by using other contries to spy on us. They use non profits and foundations to bypass our laws on finance. They use the MSM to program us and define our thinking.
And we still let them because of politics - Trump don't be a fucking pussy instead of a pussy grabber.
What does a week mean in politics these days? How many stories? How many accusations? This BS - these senators are completely comped.
I told you last night never trust Flake
The never ending movie.
Q Trump we are pretty much done. If you can't do it we are stuck we know it but battle fatigue.
Done getting mad over and over with no result.I cannot create a new reality each time to explain a failure as a win sorry.
Potus never talks from a position of weakness - it is a battle loss.
I was hoping for change and closure. All I see is battle after battle with no clear winner and casualties on all sides.
Last night I said dig the lawyers of the accusers and connections and non profits and funding no one listened just too happy then.
that all depends upon the investigators - we know this.
Why not?
Because there are too many Rep are comped to confirm. Basic Look at Fienstien cornering a Rep.
Just mad.
we are passed the horizion
We are a bubble on God's ass
also pissed there are normie 14 year olds we have read and ignore
Stop pissing me off and move this global and universal and multiversal I can answer to that smile.
brain washing on mass scale - it is all about to explode - it is all about to explode
Q and Trump you had your chance. Not diffused.