She is the head of the 100, I believe, recall without looking it up. Those are the one's that ensure the orders are followed, so from there, things would flow.
The why from the shooter, perspective?
Betrayed the troops trained for Cuba Inv.
Order Followers, are often a problem, especially secret ones.
His dad JFK was a gangster, but was attempting to break free. (Dangerous Position, if frame of what one is up against is not measured)
What concept was worthy of note, to fix?
The Money System - as that is the Adv. System Game Control Tool; breaking that changes the game.
Realization? If you can Play a FIAT GAME for +100 yrs? Why not play a Fiat Game until we learn, its a waste of time to keep playing it…so an end GOAL.
Man on Land + Knowledge = Power to Survive, improve Group; but first one needs to improve or guide self.
Borders are to Maintain what a Creator Builds…say much like this site, many contribute to make it great, only needed a border to hold and maintain a Creation.
Fredrick Bastiat - Concept? If you make it, its easier to take it from someone else, than to create your own.
NK - is an example of Electronic freedom, but is it good to play with new toys for which you do not know the affects on the Matrix or Mind, via the Frequency which it runs its systems?
Mind(electrical) Heart(mangetical) combining the two is what drives the intent of the Matrix which you play, as Creator…all without intent, and access to heart…become dangerous, because survival is all that is cared about upon self awareness…within the Matrix.
2cent thoughts, of Adv Game Strategy.