i just woke up for some reason even tho i def should be asleep right now. the urge was strong and i noticed the vietnam post. wow
just to show you all how spooky and yet useless remote viewing is.
and post them in the side by side thread while youre at it bc i have been looking everyewhere for them the past few days. ty.
maybe check mate?
no massacres.
I see a sickening correlation between that and 9/11 related diseases.
The list is staggering
Vietnam was mentioned back on 4chan about the plane/helipcopter crash and the Vietnamese pilot.
Somehow there was a Mike Green and a Mike Greene the second one tied to USAID in Vietnam. USAID is heavy into human trafficking, and by in I mean guilty of doing the opposite of their mission.
maybe something or I may be way off. Just throwing it out there.
You can't hide the LIGHT anon.
from last night heh
i could get all woo woo and notice the missing E count backwards 5 and you get a T and also the 333 on the post and Q posting at 333 but i wont.
I need coffee sorry.
innocent people are being freed
there was a plane fag post yesterday mentioning if you hear snow fall or something of that nature that its serious. anyone remember that?
the olympic arena is a pentagram shape
they also all seem to be BHO stomping grounds IIRC
i get the feeling the other building is the focus