Anonymous ID: 19a9b2 Sept. 29, 2018, 5:06 a.m. No.3247105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7183

Vlad Dracula was a Khazar 'jew'. Are those of 'the Cult' related to him?


Righteous Blood – Part I


This will be a very controversial expose. Many will undoubtedly be shocked and even angered by its content. Nevertheless, it is completely true and accurate. I invite you to read with an open mind, and follow the historical facts outlined herein.



Americans have been grandly deceived and brainwashed over the decades. The vast majority of so-called “Christians” (the majority of American citizens) have ignorantly accepted a huge deception (i.e. a “strong delusion”) that goes something along this line: The modern nation-state of Israel was established as a “homeland” for the biblical “Jews” – the historical “Nation of Israel” – (God’s “Covenant People”) – who gave the world Jesus Christ (a “Jew” as well) and His saving “Gospel”. Furthermore, the delusion continues that all of this fulfills Bible prophecy – that this modern “Nation of Israel” will eventually witness the triumphant return of the resurrected Jesus to earth following a period of massive “tribulation” and bloodshed (Armaggedon and “Abomination of Desolation”). Most deluded “Christians” therefore have been brainwashed by blatantly corrupt “pastors and teachers”, who have successfully convinced most gullible sheep that the Nation of Israel is “divine”. Therefore, even though this nation is the home of international organized crime figures, and even it exports death and terrorism worldwide, and is thoroughly evil and corrupt, it should be nevertheless be embraced or at least tolerated by professed “Christians” because Jesus the divine “Jew” will come and set things right! This is completely wrong and incorrect in so many ways!


Well worth a read.