Anonymous ID: 205464 Sept. 29, 2018, 4:30 a.m. No.3246949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7008 >>7351

Greetings from Canada,


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.233

Sep 12 2018 19:44:35 (EST)


Define 'Projection'.

The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety?

Define 'Psychological Projection'.

A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others?


Anons I wish to take the above crumbs from Q and bake a few ontological examples.




PERSON (A) is an individual(s) projecting:

(x)=Racism (general)

(y)=Phobia of Islam 'Islamophobia'

(z)=Collusion with Russia

(see A(x) and A(y) and A(z) below)


PERSON (B) is an individual(s) being imbued (having characteristics projecting onto/into them belonging to PERSON (A)).



A(x) labels B a "white nationalist/supremacist".

A(x) being numerous news outlets/anchors, socialist democrats/liberals, deep state actors, politicians, etc.


A(x) is the real "racist" projecting into/onto B.


Note: It is only the individual(s) which first introduces racial labels (such as 'white' "something") that has a racial prejudice(s). Currently many of the racial rhetoric revolves around "white nationalist/supremacists".


A(y) labels B an "Islamophobe".

A(y) being Muslims/Islamists and/or apologists (those "in bed with" Islam [example: Justin Trudeau] and its access to power/wealth) etc.


A(y) is the real "Islamophobe" projecting onto/into B.


Note: The term 'Islamophobia' originated from within Islam itself as a weaponized term (a form of social/civilizational jihad) to be used to stifle (limit) criticisms of Islam regarding the Qur'an, Muhammad, and/or Islam. This is in accordance with Islamic sharia which treats such criticisms as blasphemy, punishable under Islamic law.


The 'phobia' of 'Islam' is thus generated by and from within Muslims/apologists themselves. This is owing to their need to protect/defend their own egos as they are built upon 'believing' that the Qur'an is perfect, that Muhammad was exemplary, and that Islam is the true religion of god. All of these are categorically false, hence the generation of the phobia being projected outward.


A(z) accuses B of collusion with Russia.

A(z) being the 'deep state' incl. HRC/DNC/BHO.


A(z) colluded with Russia


Note: A(z) is attempting to wholly absolve (disassociate) themselves of the real collusion with Russia. As such extensive efforts were (and are) being made to 'pin' it on POTUS.


A(z), upon learning of DJT's possible presidency, actively took steps to set up contingencies that would allow A(z) to implicate DJT as having committed the collusion that A(z) engaged in. This is certainly an act of desperation as A(z) is aware that the collusion itself can not be hidden, so its only play is to misdirect and mislead people into pinning it to the wrong person (DJT).



This general phenomena of psychological is particularly present in the LEFT (Democratic / Liberal) and is certainly a degenerated pathology. What is most interesting is recognizing this very pathology to be at the root of Islam - one of the major vehicles being used to sow discord throughout the West as Islam employs various forms of jihad upon arrival, including use of the weaponized term 'Islamophobia' as above. Generally speaking, Islam has everything upside down and/or backwards: "peace" generates endless war, "modesty" is perversion, "justice" is injustice etc. It correct to identify Islam as a degenerative disorder and is essentially idol worship of Muhammad (entire backbone of Islam is imitating what Muhammad said/did in certain political situations which involves all manner of warfare).


Understanding psychological projection gives one tremendous insight into the true nature of those (knowingly as in A(z) or unknowingly as in A(x)(y)) doing it.


I hope this is of some help; although Canada is being destroyed from within by Trudeau/Islam many Canadians are with POTUS and the anti-globalist movement. Whether it is Islam itself, or Islam being merely a vehicle, it is clear that Islam is a major factor in globalism and/or the push towards it.