Anonymous ID: 26aff8 A letter to Judge Kavanaugh Sept. 29, 2018, 5:51 a.m. No.3247341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dear Judge Kavanaugh,


I’ve been thinking a lot about what you have been through a long with the rest of those of us who can see clearly what is going on here. It is always shocking but most of us here have lost friends, reputations and too many have lost their lives on the path to truth. I’d like to take this opportunity to share some thoughts.


It is not your reputation that is on the line here. Those that know you will stand by you as will those of us who see. Those that prefer to believe poor Dr. Ford’s pathetic story over your exemplary life are better out of your find of contact anyway. It’s sad some people in power positions may make life hard for you at times but bear not with dignity as do many who have paid the price for making a stand. You know you are telling the truth. That’s good enough. Even if the whole world has rejected you you can hold your head high and walk tall, alone and face the universe with eyes wide open.


You spoke from the heart at the hearing. You showed your humanity, your indignation, you frustration your complete bewilderment at such accusations. Not a nice place to be in for sure and I cried with you along with all the rest of us here who long for justice and freedom.


I expected you to don your judge’s hat and give a fine speech and defend yourself with lawyers jargon and points of law. And yet you didn’t. You came over as a simple, vulnerable human being, much to your credit. I really appreciated that. I now know why POTUS chose you. And remember also what POTUS has had to go through. His life has been in danger and those in his family from the moment he declared himself to be a candidate for presidency. The bashing he has taken and continues to take only strengthens his resolve and ours. Warrior spirit.


You must also feel it rather strange to be on the receiving end of such total injustice and despotism who wouldn’t? But I feel confident come hell or high water you will be the next Supreme Judge. We want you there. We need you to be there. But as the way of the world has seen it fit to give you this experience I can only believe that it will enriched you. There are not many judges that have had to live through such an enlightening experience.


It is so obvious that poor Dr Ford is a victim and is of no danger to you at all. In fact an FBI investigation could bring about causes for a deformation of character claim? We know why the democrats are doing this, don’t we? We know its a complete sham show.


I do hope you are cognisant of what is really happening and what has been happening since 9/11. In the shadows is evil, darkness, ignorance… They have no morality and will stoop to anything in order to forward their agenda. They are mostly damaged people with weak characters manipulated by blackmail and fear. Dr Ford was petrified and rightly so. If she was to tell the truth they'd kill her. Make no mistake about that. She was set up. The other women who they dragged up are joke as you stated.


The battle here is between good and evil. I’m so glad you showed yourself to be a fighter on our side. Believe me, we are all with you… more that you may believe.


Jesus once said, "forgive them for they know not what they do”. They are ignorant and truly do not realise what they are doing. Blinded by their agenda driven mentality, driven by fear and the desire for power and their addictions to untold perverse pleasures they run amok in our miraculous world. They must be stopped or else we stand to lose everything. It’s rather as if these troubled should stopped development at a very young age. They behave like adult children. It’s as if sexual interference freezes their development.


It is time for men and women to make a stand to walk together for the truth, for the future generations, for sanity and justice, for individual sovereignty and for the love of our dear blue planet. These are going to be hard times. The fight is on. It’s time.


Warriors of the truth


