Anonymous ID: 5d5c52 Sept. 29, 2018, 5:37 a.m. No.3247257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7288 >>7351

Swetnick has had allegations of sexual harassment made against her. She also falsified a disability claim.


Former Employer Sued Third Kavanaugh Accuser For Sexual Harassment Allegations


Fri, 09/28/2018 - 20:10


By Andrew Kerr of The Daily Caller


The woman who charges she was gang-raped at a party where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was present, Julie Swetnick, had a lawsuit filed against her by a former employer that alleged she engaged in “unwelcome, sexually offensive conduct” towards two male co-workers, according to court documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.


In July, one month after the alleged incident, Swetnick took a leave of absence from the company for sinus issues, according to the complaint. WebTrends said it made short-term disability payments to her until mid-August that year. One week after the payments stopped, WebTrends received a note from Swetnick’s doctor claiming she needed a leave of absence for a “nervous breakdown.”


The company said it continued to provide health insurance coverage for Swetnick, despite her refusal provide any additional information about her alleged medical condition.


In November, the company’s human resources director received a notice from the Washington, D.C. Department of Unemployment that Swetnick had applied for unemployment benefits after claiming she left WebTrends voluntarily in late September.


“In short, Swetnick continued to claim the benefits of a full-time employee of WebTrends, sought disability payments from WebTrends’ insurance carrier and falsely claimed unemployment insurance payments from the District of Columbia,” the complaint states.


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