Anonymous ID: 657b62 Sept. 29, 2018, 4:44 a.m. No.3247008   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7129

>Midway Bake

Did I miss anything? Did I add bullshit to the bake? Feedback appreciated.



–Baker Change–

>>3246599 The Democratic Coalition is investigating Lindsey Graham for Alleged Campaign Finance Violations & Russian Ties

>>3246612 Lesbian angry at modern LGBTQ+ movement. Discovers that Soros, Stryker & Pfizer and their Foundations are mostly behind this push

>>3246636 Ana Maria Archila who targeted Flake in the elevator, is the Co-Exec of SAME, the same Group that disrupted the Kavanaugh hearings early September

>>3246657 Anon posts Kek's Prophecy

>>3246660 One Big, Happy Family: Swetnick & Ford knew eachother from before; >>3246673 The Katz/Bromwich/Avenatti Connection

>>3246724 Anon notes on Q' Skyfall remark (related back to Apr2018 drops); >>3246786; >>3246864

>>3246748 Saul Alinsky's Dem's Playbook (HRC wrote her college thesis about it).

>>3246777 Update from Denmark: 3 people wanted for serious crime

>>3246810 Lindsay Lohan punched in the face for trying to steal a mother's baby

>>3246812 Flake tried to reach Wray, ended up talking with [RR] about FBI investigation into Kavanaugh

>>3246949 Defining Projection and its use in Subversion



Gonna need a sauce for your claim, anon. That pol thread is non-informative



This is Q research. Go research it yourself!



Sad. Already in yesterday's notables (Somewhere around bread #4100)

Anonymous ID: 657b62 Sept. 29, 2018, 5:53 a.m. No.3247351   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7372 >>7373


–Baker Change–

>>3246599 The Democratic Coalition is investigating Lindsey Graham for Alleged Campaign Finance Violations & Russian Ties

>>3246612 Lesbian angry at modern LGBTQ+ movement. Discovers that Soros, Stryker & Pfizer and their Foundations are mostly behind this push

>>3246636 Ana Maria Archila who targeted Flake in the elevator, is the Co-Exec of SAME, the same Group that disrupted the Kavanaugh hearings early September; >>3247165 CPDAF is part of a larger organization; >>3247253 Link to the IRS form of CPDAF

>>3246657 Anon posts Kek's Prophecy

>>3246660 One Big, Happy Family: Swetnick & Ford knew eachother from before; >>3246673 The Katz/Bromwich/Avenatti Connection

>>3246724 Anon notes on Q' Skyfall remark (related back to Apr2018 drops); >>3246786 ; >>3246864; Meteor Showers on the 7th/8th of October; >>3247139 Chinese Satellite to re-enter Earth's Atmosphere

>>3246748 Saul Alinsky's Dem's Playbook (HRC wrote her college thesis about it).

>>3246777 Update from Denmark: 3 people wanted for serious crime

>>3246810 Lindsay Lohan (=Hollywood Puppet) punched in the face for trying to steal a mother's baby; >>3247199 Video

>>3246812 Flake tried to reach Wray, ended up talking with [RR] about FBI investigation into Kavanaugh

>>3246949 Defining Projection and its use in Subversion

>>3247003 How Ford's false testimony will come back to her; >>3247006

>>3247040 Planefag Updates; >3247053 ; >>3247228

>>3247074 8AM DoD & U.S. Marines Tweet

>>3247149 Cultral Destruction Of Europe Continues: New Erdogan Funded MEGA Mosque opens in Germanistan; >>3247202 Subhumans in France Murder Man in the Streets

>>3247162 Pelosi pleads with Ba'al: please come down from Heaven and help me!

>>3247207 Fighting back for Kavanaugh: call your Senator to confirm him!

>>3247229 GermanArchiveAnon Update

>>3247259 New South African President is a Rothschild puppet

>>3247267 OC Judge rules that California's Sanctuary State is Unconstitutional

>>3247257 Swetnick sexually harassed co-workers, got booted and tried to rake in full employee AND disablity payments after the fact

>>3247326 Congressional Record of McConnell's remarks on the full senate taking up the Kavenaugh nomination