Anonymous ID: aab647 Sept. 29, 2018, 3:15 a.m. No.3246643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6658


Cabal or not, still fucking weird. Though off topic so will move on but, regardless, wtf is Lohan doing in another country and asking people about their kids. Shit is beyond weird.

Anonymous ID: aab647 Sept. 29, 2018, 3:36 a.m. No.3246734   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Several years ago, in fact looking at my file, nine years now I was bored and looking into the whole Nostradamus prophecy of the "eagle and bear" which comes in one of his quadrants but is extremely difficult to find online. Anyhow, I came across this which was clearly written by some normie but I have to say, considering when it was written it's actually pretty damn interesting. I don't like looking at non factual material that I can substantiate but since it's late and since I dug into the fentanyl issue for hours earlier, here. Like I said, clearly a normie, but considering it was nine/ten years ago when they made it.. pretty interesting to me:

Anonymous ID: aab647 Sept. 29, 2018, 4:01 a.m. No.3246825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6835


I believe this is exactly what the "meteor" was that fell to Michigan and Ohio last year. Remember the oddity of that event? That was the same week of Q stating the sky is falling.

Anonymous ID: aab647 Sept. 29, 2018, 4:02 a.m. No.3246832   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The only type of "serious crime" they would be covering up would be another Bataclan theater type event. Something happened and it was totally media squelched.

Anonymous ID: aab647 Sept. 29, 2018, 4:06 a.m. No.3246842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6915


Also, the University of Michigan randomly and without any warning shut down the China data center. There isn't even a news story about it, just tweets. It was completely under radar. So we have the observatories and that as well.

Anonymous ID: aab647 Sept. 29, 2018, 4:17 a.m. No.3246892   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah, it's all connected. Frankly I have known about the issues with what they have been doing for over ten years now. Not to the scope we now know which is far worse than I imagined. But I agree, the observatories closing and the data center are absolutely connected and the logical conclusion, based both on recent statements and statements going back all the way to 2010 to the POTUS, it's China. Which my own research shows as well.


I also believe they own many other politicians outside of Feinstein. By my research I have 32 based on a variety of shell company donations, business connections and so on. Let us also not look past Fat Leonard, the subverting of the Ninth Fleet, the 24 ship/chopper or plane crashes in the South Pacific the past three years, the Army drone recall due to defective backdoors in chips made in China and the odd number of plane/ship crashes by every other country outside of America in the South Pacific.

Anonymous ID: aab647 Sept. 29, 2018, 4:21 a.m. No.3246910   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The prophecies of /b/ - 2008


"The treachery of the final pope


The last Pope will be elected shortly after the discovery of the tomb of an ancient Roman whose philosophies greatly influence western thought, something like within a year's time. This is the "poisonous" Pope that is actually only a tool for the Antichrist, who will bring about the ultimate destruction of the Catholic Church.


The last Pope probably will be French, with a swarthy complexion and blue eyes. There will be an air of mystery to him. He will have a physical deformity of some sort, like a slightly hunched shoulder or clubfoot, a congenital defect in the bone. (It won't be caused by injury, since he will have been born with it.) His mind will be scarred by the deformity and the cruelty and callousness of people toward others who are different.


He will enter the church at a young age out of bitterness and desperation, knowing he would never get a girl to love and marry him. His parents will be involved with the Nazi movement in France, and his schoolmates will taunt him with names like "Nazi lover." This Pope could have been kindly if it weren't for his childhood environment and experiences, but instead will be warped into cruelty from pain. He will want to "get back" at the world for his suffering while young. This is a weakness that the Antichrist exploits.


This Pope will want to show his enemies, "Look at me; I'm powerful; I can do it; I'm better than you." After he attains the power he desires, he will be indirectly responsible for the murders of innocent people because of his alignment with the Antichrist. He will not murder anyone himself but will open up avenues for the Antichrist to do so, particularly those who hurt him when he was young. This future Pope will appear to be kindly on the surface because it is advantageous for him to be perceived that way, but the sinister side of his personality will be deeply rooted.


The final pope will betray his Church by revealing extremely crucial and sensitive information directly to the Antichrist, information that the Antichrist could never have obtained even through his spies in the Church."

Anonymous ID: aab647 Sept. 29, 2018, 4:36 a.m. No.3246974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7209


If anyone thinks that the story of the Donald being asked to pick up the flag after being approached by high ranking officials is bullshit I would recommend they watch his remarks right around 2010-2011. He was clearly gearing up silently and he was clearly getting intel.


I speculate this is why the Obama administration ended up hammering Flynn and how they truly acquired the reasoning to spy on the Don. Flynn was one of the first to bring the facts to him with several others and since the Obama admin was spying on every single person that opened their eyes to the fact that the Don was coming, so in 2012 they began to slowly implement their smears on him about the Presidency. This is also why it took so long for them to deal with Flynn and it directly has to do with what they went after him for. He was acting as a middle man to cement peace in the meantime, was being spied on, they were spying on him but they couldn't nail him because if they did they would have to explain in court why they were spying on an American citizen. So they waited and conjured the second contingency which was to try to use Flynn to hit Trump. It failed, so they went down the list. Glider/Secret Service hit, lies about rape, all failed. So then they moved to the House to slow him down and here we are.


That is how I see it based on my own autism, research and so on.

Anonymous ID: aab647 Sept. 29, 2018, 5 a.m. No.3247070   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The problem is, I'm fucking pissed.


You aren't alone. The events with Kavanaugh were a wake up call I always knew but needed to witness with my own eyes. All autism aside, these people want to destroy the country so anyone/everyone who is pissed, thinking about it, etc, I think that is totally reasonable given the past 48 hours.


Especially with the other odd events recently.

Anonymous ID: aab647 Sept. 29, 2018, 5:17 a.m. No.3247157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7176


Logically if "Q" wasn't absolutely part of the Trump team he would have been yanked long ago. Think about both the intel provided but also consider the history of people who were considered trouble makers of a very "dangerous" level on /pol/. None lasted long and the government even went after those in foreign countries. No, no they are telling us what the strategy calls for and based on previous statements by Q, specific military lingo and other factors I would bet they are DOD, connected to Mattis and this is the strategy to circumvent the media by bringing information to the one global source of people they know will disseminate it quickly and to the right people which completely bypasses communist trolls, allows for pills en masse and shapes their narrative preemptively or shifts eyes. It's all part of a master strategy one way or another.


Regardless of what politics a person has or if they like the POTUS or not, any even remotely intelligent person thinking rationally would realize that based on their intel provided there is absolutely no doubt they are pro Trump and based on the fact that we all know the left will do anything to gain power, and has a lot of resources, it tells me the Q team post location and post method is highly… highly secure which only leaves a few options. Government or DOD. DOD is "Q", POTUS is Q+. Both based on the takeover of these servers to lock them down months ago the same night Twitter's servers were grabbed.

Anonymous ID: aab647 Sept. 29, 2018, 5:22 a.m. No.3247182   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No argument. I am just saying for those on the fence they need to consider it logically. There is just no fucking way, none, that they would be allowed to go on for this long if they weren't connected.

Anonymous ID: aab647 Sept. 29, 2018, 5:39 a.m. No.3247272   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You watch, just watch. When it begins their tune and all the fucks in your area, everyone's area, who have for months been as anti American and awful as can be, just watch how fast that tune changes. They think they are going to sneak foreign troops in… NOT GOING TO FUCKING HAPPEN and all the bullshit, all the paid shills, all the commie's making threats, ruining lives, damaging cities, harming others, etc… yeah… I guarantee, utterly guarantee that the military is drooling to meet them all and have a talk and they certainly know who they all are as well.


You see the difference between us and them. I am pissed, you are pissed, many are pissed, but we aren't here threatening people, we aren't making outrageous BS to destroy and fuck up others. No, no we follow facts, we follow logic and we do our due diligence and don't get walked around by our cocks by some ugly dude pretending to be a chick pretending to be a horse. When the horn is sounded we will spring up and be there to defend what is ours but we don't act on emotion and stupidity. Point being, neither does the POTUS and I agree, he is coming for them, they know it, everybody knows it, even those who play make believe, they all know it and this guy, this POTUS? Hell. Threatening him, his family, his country… fuck that… the sleeping giant has woke up and I see it around me, I read it here, and the hive mind is at a different level of focus at moment because we know, even if some don't want to admit it, we know they basically declared on our Constitution and the country we love with these recent actions and there is no way Americans are going to sit with thumb up ass with that.

Anonymous ID: aab647 Sept. 29, 2018, 5:51 a.m. No.3247342   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They adapted and that was their play. We have the intel based on the finale but that doesn't remove adaptation in conflict of any kind. You still have to move offensively and yet react defensively to any adaptation by your opponent. There will undoubtedly be more and the closer to the midterms, the bigger the play will be.