Anonymous ID: bf6e19 Sept. 29, 2018, 3:54 a.m. No.3246795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6877

In Notables >>3246202 >>3246335


Excuse me for asking, but does that data include all the GoFundMe accounts that were set up for Ford. Last week, I know the first one had a goal of $150K and was closed when it hit 240+K. There were additional gofundme accounts established after that 3 to 4? I totaled them up at the time and it was close to $1 million at that time. I questioned it at the time because I remember reading where the GoFundMe money raised for a homeless vet was never received by him. At the time I wondered how many of Fords accounts could have been set up as a scam to get money she would not receive. Sorry for the question, I just wanted clarification.