Anonymous ID: dde349 Sept. 29, 2018, 4:15 a.m. No.3246883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6893 >>6966

I think that we don't even begin to imagine the degree of evil that we are up against. If everything were that easy and glorious days are ahead the D's and their friends would be running for their lives instead of doing what they're doing now.


They are not running, anons. They are digging in for the last stand. This is war, and they are fighting to win while we are fighting not to offend them. The patience of the people is not unlimited. The politicians on both sides need to remember that.


I agree with Q that this really isn't even about D's vs R's anymore. The evil is on both sides. NoName did irrepairable damage to this country for years. And he's STILL doing damage through his protogees like Flake. Wasn't Flake supposed to have been neutralized and forced into retirement? Yet,there he is…


POTUS ought to stop playing games with these people and just shut them down. We will never be glorious if the nation is full of division and hatred…and this is where we are now. The longer this is allowed to drag on the worse it will get. We're seeing evidence of this right now. Something has to change. If the politicians don't change it the people will rise up and do it violently once they decide they've had enough. I do not condone violence, but we are being extremely naive if we refuse to see it coming.

Anonymous ID: dde349 Sept. 29, 2018, 4:25 a.m. No.3246926   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nobody cares. Republicans have lost focus on the things that are important to the voters. They don't fully support the president on MAGA.


They can fuck off with this.