Anonymous ID: eec22a Sept. 29, 2018, 4:41 a.m. No.3246996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7061

>>3245797 (pb)

NEWFAGS AND NORMIES: Beware the Anti-Boomer Alinskyite Infiltrators


Yes, they easily give themselves away with their unsupported crude ad hominem attacks on all things Baby-Boomer. And why do you think that they come here with this incessant shitposting ? Because of fear and fear alone.


The Boomer generations pose the Greatest Threat to the Rabid Left Alinskyites. These generations were raised and taught by parents and educators who were witness in their era to unprecedented acts of genocide, the wholesale elimination of personal liberty and dignity, the debasement of any notion of justice and the general inhumanity suffered under Fascist and Communist Rule.


These post-WW II and Cold War generations were taught over and over about the importance of recognizing and swiftly dealing with either of these twin threats to freedom and liberty, at the earliest moment, thereby denying these twin evils a chance to take root. In contrast, these generations grew to understand, revere and certainly not to take for granted the magnitude of the many freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution. It is not for nothing, that the original black and white television show "Superman" (1952 - 1958) was one of the highest rated shows of the Cold War era.


However, it is this underlying anti-fascist/anti-communist national zeitgeist which is posing the greatest problem for the Alinskyite Fifth Column as it continues to undermine the core beliefs of "Rules for Radicals". So what to do? How does the Left exorcize its primary foe which stands between it and total power and control? Well, just start by engaging in a revisionist smear campaign against these generations themselves. Engage in chronic shitposting about them on the last truly "public square" left on the Intertubewebs. And also, "Superman" is really a Fascist White Male Supremist, in case you didn't know.


So, Know Your Enemy, newfags and normies. It's the daily Baby Boomer shitposter.

Anonymous ID: eec22a Sept. 29, 2018, 5:24 a.m. No.3247195   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why did Flake take the elevator down to speak to the Press in the first place? Was he dumb enough to think he wouldn't get gang-raped by the agitprops and MSM?