Anonymous ID: 04ed7a Sept. 29, 2018, 7:10 a.m. No.3247823   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Watching the hearing yesterday, after the members final statements and when it seemed like this was going to be a clear win 11 - 10 to move nomination to Senate floor for confirmation, but before the break, I seem to remember Bromwich causing a commotion when he got up to leave while Grassley was speaking. (Press stood up and started taking pics of him leaving and Grassley got pissed). Did Bromwich leave then to go down and set up the ambush for Flake?? Get the agitprops and Press ready to trap Flake in the elevator?? This was a classic set up as one woman was holding the automatic door from closing as Flake was furiously pushing the "door close" button. It was then that the two crying women and camera showed up right on Q. Was it Bromwich who left causing the commotion? Any other anon see this??