Anonymous ID: 3aaf11 Sept. 29, 2018, 6:40 a.m. No.3247624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7702 >>7887



This would explain something about the Rosenstein/Trump meeting that got delayed. By originally planning it for the same day as Kavanaugh, and then DELAYING IT because Trump didn't want to overshadow Kavanaugh, made that hearing probably one of the biggest events of 2018. Trump wanted to make sure everyone in the world knew about the testimony, so the meeting and push were a ruse.


That being said, we cant ignore other Q posts such as Goodbye Rosenstein and RR problems. Q has indicated quite clearly that RR has his signature on the dirty FISA and is in big trouble. But that's probably part of the show.


…. Then again… He renewed the FISA well after the time were supposed TO TRUST SESSIONS..


So, maybe RR was black hat. After Comey he indeed wanted to invoke the 25th. At the time he still thought he could get away with it. This fact was tucked away conveniently right up to the confirmation of BK. Q let RR make the mistake of renewing the FISA, and that's when they officially owned his ass. Mueller was in on the game right from the time Trump met with him.


To verify this we could study RR behavior before and after the time he renewed the FISA. If RR is suddenly pro Trump after and not before, then this is big evidence that RR is now working for us.


Now, the enemy reads Q too. By keeping RR in the kill box they can still assume he's still working for them. I firmly believe RR is going to step down and will be in trouble but will be shown leniency because he helped gather evidence legally (recordings)





Anonymous ID: 3aaf11 Sept. 29, 2018, 6:57 a.m. No.3247742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7760

Kavanaugh lands in top six in 'Scalia-ness' ranking of SCOTUS contenders; who is No. 1?

January 2018


American Bar Association Gives Kavanaugh Unanimous ‘Well-Qualified’ Rating


August 31, 2018 6:08 PM


American Bar Association urges Senate to wait for FBI investigation of Kavanaugh allegations

By POLITICO STAFF 09/28/2018




He was found just before Qs post about "The hunt for" being dropped in early Feb 2018.


Now he's going to be the catalyst for the Red Tsunami and an FBI investigation that goes both ways and a precedent to investigate the actually rotten judges that we all know about, such as our friend in Hawaii.


I'm starting to think BK indeed won't be confirmed until after midterms. Drag this controversy out this long will distract the D's from unleashing other Midterm strategies. It will fire up the R's to vote. It's…. Brilliant