Anonymous ID: 577feb Sept. 29, 2018, 6:26 a.m. No.3247545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7553 >>7564 >>7568 >>7570 >>7593 >>7632 >>7646 >>7714 >>7740 >>7799 >>7844

Christ… I've been grumbling all through the night shift after four hours of connecting the dots on the fentanyl situation. Shit has me fired up but for those of you who have never served, are still younger (which is a good thing, relish it) or haven't been to another country and seen the truth of how the world outside the US truly is in most places (more now). Some info from an old vet. One of the major things that has set America apart and brought us to greatness for an extended period of time during a time period of many turmoils across the globe and ever changing lines, it was that America had a rule of law and stuck to the rule of law. When that degrades, in any country and as history has shown us, when the rule of law is pushed aside then corruption seeps in and when corruption reaches its maximum it begins to demand the rule of law is void because the corruption wants to maintain power at any and all cost.


The rule of law is, socially, why we are what we are today and we have the ability to talk to each other right now with freedom to tell jokes, call each other fags, work together to figure things out and so on. It allows us to defend ourselves, call out wrong doing, it allows us to seek the best life possible irregardless of background. Without it there is simply a direction the people are told to follow and their opinions, dreams or hopes all rest on the allowance of another.


You lurkers here being paid to cause issues. I get it to some extent, you need money maybe, you think "DuurrrrR nothing will happen it's all okay, Dems are just joking, DuRRrr." I suggest you realize the world isn't the unicorn farts and rainbow bunnies of sodomy you were led to believe and the moment your use is completed you will be removed by the same agenda you helped make. You think I am kidding? They don't leave loose ends and history has shown that as consistent every…single… time… an attempted take over has happened in every… single… civilization. So I get it, money, lulz, that ugly chick that you have convinced yourself is good looking and gave you a hand job under the Starbucks counter (atta boy), whatever, but you may wish to truly look at the events from a fair perspective and ask yourselves what you are helping to do. Not a single true American, not Republican, Democrat, liberal, conservative, not white, black, Muslim, Chinese, whatever, not a single true American would be okay with them trying to create a guilty until innocent system because those Americans would know what that means in the long run for them and their kids.


So enough… cut the shit, come back into the fold and let's work together to get rid of these fucks who are trying to destroy our country. We can hate each other again after but common enemy threatening existence/future emotional sadness about getting your ass pinched in 8th grade by Betty Rottencrotch. It's time to put down the drama hats and time for you to stop following someone who demands you to feel this way/that way and it's time for you to look at the facts, the long view, and act accordingly. You do not want the country to be like it is across the majority of the rest of the world. You don't, even if CNN tells you it's the best thing since fried chicken.

Anonymous ID: 577feb Sept. 29, 2018, 6:32 a.m. No.3247571   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kosovo and Bosnia have come up before by Q. Insinuated that it is a major data collection zone and deep state shelter zone if memory serves, didn't they? We have definitely heard about the two from Q before but I believe that was the suggestion wasn't it?

Anonymous ID: 577feb Sept. 29, 2018, 6:53 a.m. No.3247713   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Needs cached archival by one of your tech gurus. I know there has to be a way and I know one of you can figure it out as you always do. Get that fucking archive.

Anonymous ID: 577feb Sept. 29, 2018, 6:55 a.m. No.3247722   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well we know where she said she went to attend a funeral. We have put together far more difficult things. We could confirm it, wouldn't take long.

Anonymous ID: 577feb Sept. 29, 2018, 7:08 a.m. No.3247810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8003


Social media and media and their connection to foreign governments is a huge deal, agreed. At this point every single person on the planet who has used/uses any of those platforms should realize that every single thing they have done on those sites is in the hands of foreign governments and in ready to go access files. I have no doubt they have been selling data to foreign groups for a very long time with locations of people (or kids…), personal data, etc. Given what we know about them at this point and given they have zero oversight while also employing tons of unvetted foreign workers who get access to things people should not at all wonder about every single thing they typed or posted on those sites as there is no way they don't and haven't used it to help groups they "like".


An intern can shut down the POTUS account… yeah… I'd say they have access to everything even at low levels. Makes me wonder about the hack yesterday. Gut tells me it was information garnering in prep for the expected riots.


Right now (literally) there are black hawks flying over Chicago and have the past few days. Friend in Orlando told me same thing happening there. Didn't look at other cities but they are drilling urban warfare. It happens now and again but very rarely as any AD/vet knows. In fact it's extremely rare to happen in cities and usually it's just one at a time. In fact I have never seen such extended coordination drilling including the AF, Marines, Army, special forces, CIA, FBI and DOJ special task force but it is happening in Chicago at moment. Warzone wrote about it a couple days ago in the case you didn't know: