Anonymous ID: 58f2c2 Sept. 29, 2018, 6:46 a.m. No.3247663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7675


Dr Ford was acting, pure and simple. The demoncrats and progressive commie lefties have been planning this since 2012. It has been noted that she slept with 54 guys in one year of HS. She acted like she didn't know elementary elements of her field or routine procedures of assault victim. What she, her attorneys, Feintstein, and Demoncrats have done to Kav was calculated for a long time.


The short list for SC nominees was published. I would be willing to bet that in each hometown HS of each of these nominees that the Demoncrats and progressive commie leftists have already went in and found a few lefty nutjobs to do what CBF is doing now to Kav. Everything is already setup (no matter who President Trump nominated) and their fake profiles are set up along their social media scrubbed ( which takes 6 to 12 months according to a social media professional). Why do I think this??? Because if I was a progressive liberal Demoncrats and I want to make sure NO constitutional conservative got to the SC, it is what I would do. Folks it would not matter who was nominated, the smear job was already set up and planned.

Anonymous ID: 58f2c2 Sept. 29, 2018, 7:25 a.m. No.3247950   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep, when the FBI clears Kav of these false accusations, true assault victims will be discounted. This will be the legacy of the Demoncrats, CBF, and progressive liberal leftists. In addition, who is going to want to hire women to work in their businesses and organizations, especially if they are SJW liberals, knowing that these smear jobs are possible. This disgusting spectacle in the long run just hurts women and places all men in jeopardy for being in contact with them.