$20 million more for mid-terms
$20 million more for mid-terms
twatter is effectively controlled by its largest shareholder, kingdom holdings
which is a proxy for sadistic evil pedophile, al waleed, and his mob
twatter is censoring/manipulating the platform is an clearly biased fashion
the intent is obviously to affect the results of the mid-terms
this seems to be clear violation of the foreign election interference EO
al waleed is also an enemy combatant
time to seize citibank and everything else!!!
why is twatter
a platform controlled by a foreigner
actively attempting to influence the outcome of a US national election?
new zimabawe citizen
why is an key public communication platform,
controlled by a foreigner
who blamed US policy for 9/11
is allegedly one the largest slave owners and human traffickers,
employing aggressive censorship
obviously intended to affect the US election?
blasey- nicholas deak
congressman schumer blasey deak assassination
lois lang stanford
unlike NYT/wapo, senate
this story is verified by two named sources
including the accused
one would think the revelation of the devil would be "news"
guess not
it all goes back
shows the level of desperation
blasey fam has been deep in the shadows for at least 3 gens
now this public spectacle
also attorney bromwich
they are crawling out from underneath their rocks
check out john poindexter
iran contra
9/11 stellar wind
scalia murder
1st the jesuits use bono to legalize abortion in Ireland
now jesuits are supporting american abortionists opposing the kav
who is product of their order and was joined by his lifelong jesuit priest
this is cannibalistic betrayal
the jesuits are working in league with a mormon and abortionists to attack and destroy a member of their own flock
we need an army of accountants auditors and actuaries
the lawyers need to be castrated
would you put sticker on your Enzo
kav lived two doors down from me
i recall he was a cunning linguist
miss u bro
we got your back
el kavarino
the kav was an ordinary social imbiber
dig it up and chuck the pieces in the tiber
riady lippo
nice nikkei article today
black lives matter
haiti curse