Anonymous ID: 64fa3c Sept. 29, 2018, 8:52 a.m. No.3248778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8813 >>8822


We are not as united as you might think. Step away from the computer for a bit and look at what's really going on out there. The violence, censorship, and hatred are real.


Our destruction was only part of the plan. The destruction was supposed to encompass the entire Western world. POTUS slowed them down but they have not stopped, and they will not stop because they cannot stop. Their demon masters want nihilism, and that shit is spreading. The open borders, feminism, homosexual, pedo shit that they are pushing so hard now is just the beginning.


I feel bad for Mr. Kavenaugh. He has not seen the worst of these people yet. They should never have been allowed to get this far with it in the first place.

It used to be that death was the punishment for treason. But these fuckers live long and happy lives, steal millions from us, sell us out, then retire to the high life off our backs. I don't want to see them get arrested or walking away. I want to see them DEAD. Its what they deserve for every dollar they stole from the nation and for every kid they victimized. Its makes me very angry that whores like Maxine, and Pelosi, and Feinstein and the whole fucking lot of them continue to draw air and collect paychecks from the taxes that I pay.


Perhaps one day we're going to have to do our own version of 'The Storming of the Bastille'. Kill the traitors and burn the whole fucking place to the ground…THAT was how patriots saved a nation in the old days.