Anonymous ID: 659e4d Sept. 29, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.3248171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8185 >>8747 >>8878

From Nightshit- WORTH A HUGE LOOK!!!


Something is not sitting right with me anons. She claims her most recent degree to be a master's in epidemiology. Her husband has similar credentials except he is more on the engineering side but worked at Cygnus and a few others.

Cygnus was heavily involved in a fentanyl patch creation:

I am too tired to dig more tonight but I don't like it. Fentanyl pops up a shit load with his work history and now she claims to be an epi? Something is odd here and I hope people pick up my lead during night shift and look into it.