Anonymous ID: e72d7b Sept. 29, 2018, 8:44 a.m. No.3248692   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Housing Market Slows, as Rising Prices Outpace Wages


Once-soaring housing market has run into turbulence. Sales and construction activity have slowed in recent months. Houses that would once have drawn a frenzy of offers are sitting on the market for days or weeks. Selling prices are rising more slowly, and asking prices are being slashed to attract buyers.


Similar slowdowns have hit New York, Seattle and even San Francisco, cities that until recently ranked among the nation’s hottest housing markets. The specifics vary, but economists, real estate agents and home builders say the core issue is the same: Home buyers are reaching a breaking point after years of breakneck price increases that far exceeded income gains.


NYSlimes article that hits too close to home for many of us….