Anonymous ID: ef9e44 Sept. 29, 2018, 8:31 a.m. No.3248580   🗄️.is 🔗kun

4113 Bread and a rabbit hole it has been



Not sauce for the asteroid strike but a corillary dealing with use of nuclear weapons.

Too much in the article to paste but there was a distrust of Judea and Freemasonry in Japan.


ANTI-MASONRY has been in existence in many parts of the world. Japan is no exception. Freemasonry has come under attack in that country from time to time over the years. The objective of this paper is to provide an account of the historical background that has fostered anti-masonic sentiments among some Japanese and of the actual attacks on the fraternity throughout the years.


(Already hard feelings against Russia going to back to council of vienna and coming forward)


the Japanese troops advanced into Siberia, their officers came into contact with White Russian officers whom they supported. The White Russian officers vehemently criticized both Bolsheviks and Jews and provided their Japanese counterparts with anti-Semitic publications including The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.


Hitler as well.

Thus Freemasonry is joined by a second weapon in the service of the Jews: the press. With all his perseverance and dexterity he seizes possession of it. With it he slowly begins to grip and ensnare, to guide and to push all public life, since he is in a position to create and direct that power which, under the name of 'public opinion,' is better known today than a few decades ago." 9


Not forgetting who declared war first on Germnay


How the US and the sacrifice fits in....

Interesting book review providing a glimpse into other attributions on the how and why the atomic bombs were actually needed and the how why Russia ended up as guardian to Korea first and with plans for their nuke.


But going back to the corollary and the phrase these people are sick:

Dionisi insightfully notes: when Satanists conduct a human sacrifice, they believe they draw power from the victim’s death. At Nagasaki, over 70,000 lives, many of them Christians, were incinerated on a satanic altar.


(The Nagasaki bombing’s ritualism cogently reminds us that events like 9/11 are not necessarily purely geopolitical false flags, but often have spiritual dimensions as well. Is Nagasaki perhaps a clue as to why geo-engineered disasters keep striking America’s Bible Belt, but not the “Establishment” Northeast? Dionisi has written a book on 9/11, The Occult Religion of the 9/11 Attackers, which I haven’t read but have ordered.)


When people contemplate Japan’s nuclear bombing, most think: “Hiroshima.” Dionisi considers this a psychological ploy by the PTB (whom he calls “the Brotherhood of Death”). The first bombing would stand out in the public’s mind, while the principal target (Christian Nagasaki) would get largely overlooked.