Anonymous ID: 255108 Sept. 29, 2018, 11:42 a.m. No.3250536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0561


>Slaves to the system they created.

to be fair, they didn't create it exactly. they merely participated in it. the real creators are long gone - they are the ancestors of those who are mostly invisible - the puppetmasters.

Anonymous ID: 255108 Sept. 29, 2018, 12:09 p.m. No.3250961   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Once something this clear is pointed out, suddenly the rest of Q becomes much easier to consider for the normies. Q is systematically chipping away at the cognitive bias. The masses will be educated.

Anonymous ID: 255108 Sept. 29, 2018, 12:10 p.m. No.3250982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1030


no it means we had the votes and we used them to get the nomination to the floor of the senate. we had the votes when it mattered. it is just a statement of fact.

Anonymous ID: 255108 Sept. 29, 2018, 12:17 p.m. No.3251091   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>so we had no choice but to go along w/ the 7th FBI investigation.

I do not believe you have enough information to know. I believe you are reading information into Q's post that simply isn't there. Best case is we don't know [again].