Anonymous ID: 2cf892 Sept. 29, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.3251223   🗄️.is 🔗kun


LOCK, Stock & Barrel! Load up Anon! Kavanaugh will be confirmed & then riots will break out (which is so stoopid on the lefts part bc then POTUS can engage Marshall Law!)


If Kavanaugh is Not confirmed, there will be absolutely hell to pay!


Dem Normies are leaving the Dem party over how the left has treated Judge Kavanaugh & ruining his life over these False accusations! Most Americans can see through the Dems BS! They are posting all over social media about how they will be voting red in Nov! The dems have literally cut their throats with this Kavanaugh sham!

(I grabbed 2 social media posts. Pics related)